Planning a vacation? Google Trips is now Google Travel | News


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It is clear that Americans are ready for the post-epidemic holiday season. On the fourth weekend of July, the TSA reported that if more than 10 million people passed through airport checkpoints on July 4, 2019, the outbreak was close to pre-epidemic.

If you want to book a vacation early in the summer or fall, you can spend hours using various websites and apps to browse hotels, airline prices and locations.

Before the global epidemic, Google decided to drag it to the popular Google Travel Planner. If you are planning to travel again, you will be happy to know that Google Travel is now Google Travel.

The website, no app, allows travelers to search and book flights, hotels and vacation rentals. And it makes it easier to find the best deals. Search only Google Travel.

Choose where you want to go and dates and Google pulls all the information into one place.

I plan to travel to Yellowstone National Park in September. Google Travel shows normal weather conditions and any travel restrictions. I get some idea of ​​flight fares from my house. Remember, Google knows where you live.

Google ranks the best flights with all day prices, which can save hundreds by traveling in a day or a day. I can keep track of prices by email updates on flights near Yellowstone. If I choose “this flight” it will take me to the airline’s website.

Google Travel shows hotels, prices and ratings and reviews and photos of other travelers.

Articles on the hotel from Google Search. It also shows available vacation rentals.

Under “Things to do”, other travelers will post photos and reviews. Upgrade a map where off-road-hidden secret resources were acquired by travelers or some “local favorites”.

Once you have booked the trip, any confirmations that come to your Gmail address will be added directly to the travel schedule. Bookmarking puts it in the action list.

There are a lot of things you love about the Google Travel Platform and it makes and makes travel planning easier.

But for anyone concerned about privacy, there is a flaw. Everything you want is stored in Google. So wait for related ads to appear on the web. Plus, all of your previous trips are stored in Google. I checked back. My trip back to 2016 in Las Vegas is in my travel history, including my flight number and the hotel where I stayed. While this may be good for accessing the information or registering for the same trip, it may be a concern to store that information on Google servers.

You can delete the story with your travel information in your Google Activity window.

Google Travel is another great tool if you don’t think Google has a place in everything it sees and stores about you.


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