Cyclone engineers travel to a precast concrete plant to see class concepts come to life.


A student listening guide teaches.

The process of ensuring safe and reliable bridges is complex. Therefore, in the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, students are given a thorough experience in the classroom to fully understand the process from start to finish as they progress through bridge design and consulting.

He was taught by an assistant teacher Hartanto WibowoCivil Engineering 535Precast concrete structures) class travels to a precast concrete plant and goes on a site visit as part of the course.

At the beginning of the semester, students will review pre-compression hardware and the process, then complete several pre-compression loss calculations, in addition to flexural and shear design for pre-stressed concrete members. And then mid-semester, you go on-site to a real-time stressed concrete manufacturing process to see everything in action.

A student looking at a piece of a bridge

This semester, the students visited Rinker Materials, one of the largest concrete plants in Iowa Falls. At the site, the students will have the opportunity to see three different stages involved in a bridge: tendon installation and compaction, concrete pouring and steam curing, and tendon compaction or release. Experts at the site will give the tour, answer questions and explain the process to the students in detail.

“We’re going on this trip to see the actual pre-pressurization process,” Wibowo said. “The students have already learned the concepts in class, and now, halfway through the semester, they have the opportunity to see for themselves what they’ve learned. This usually gives them satisfaction as what is learned and calculated on paper can be put into practice.

Some of these students participate in the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI) Big Beam competition, where they build the beam themselves in a precast factory.

On this trip, students will have the opportunity to experience the girder prestressing process first-hand to fully understand the process before designing a bridge in their career.

Construction workers pouring concrete


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