Delta Stream saves money to build real-time streaming databases – TechCrunch


Delta Stream, which is developing a streaming database platform for enterprise customers, announced today that it has raised $ 10 million through a seed drive led by New Enterprise Partners. The money will be used for product development, CEO Hojat Jafarpur told Tech Cruises in an email interview, and will hire five new employees by the end of the year (DeltaStream currently has 10 employees).

Delta Stream provides a server-free streaming database to control, protect, and manage data streams. “Serverless” delta streams a way to uninstall infrastructure, allowing developers to connect to databases without thinking about servers.

After years of building kfarqur ksqlDB, Jafarpur has launched Delta Stream after passing the Confucius Stream Database platform at the top of Kafka. Prior to Confucius, Jafarpur was a member of NEC’s research staff, chief software engineer for Informatica, and Quantcast’s technology leader and manager.

“Internet users today expect a customized, real-time digital interaction online and it takes data processing per second to deliver these experiences. Instant processing remains inaccessible to most businesses. Since most existing solutions are group-based, they process data per minute or hours or require expensive specialized teams to deploy and evaluate. Delta Stream can easily expand this test with cloud-based, real-time streaming management solutions that are easy to use and still cost-effective.

Delta Streams solves this challenge in a stream-like manner, says Jafarpur by connecting with event stores – databases optimized for storing events – and performing math and storage functions. The platform provides a computing layer on streaming storage systems such as Kafka and AWS Kinesis, allowing users to read data from one or more services, perform calculations and write the results simultaneously on different storage sources.

“Getting information in real time and responding to it provides huge competitive advantages for enterprises and can result in huge losses if it does not have such capacity,” Jafarpur said. “DeltaStream opens up the value of real-time data to companies without the need for an army of engineers and distributed system-wise engineers.”

Delta Stream is not the only real-time database provider around. Materialize and Activeloop come to mind just like the above combination. However, Jafarpur asserted that the company “is growing and is in a good position to build production, regardless of the windfall.”

Time will tell.

“Building real-time streaming applications requires talented engineering teams in data management, distributed systems. There is fierce competition for such talents and many enterprises cannot enjoy the luxury of having such teams,” Jafarpur said. It has become a part of it. Receiving information in real time and responding to it provides significant competitive advantage for enterprises and without such capability can result in significant losses.


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