Linktree lays off 17% of workers in recent tech pink slips.


Australia’s runaway success story Linktree has laid off 17 percent of its staff, the social media startup’s founder confirmed the latest casualty of a global tech hemorrhage.

“Today I shared the difficult news with our team,” CEO Alex Zakaria said in a LinkedIn post.

The reported 300-strong workforce is down to around 50 employees from the wholesale cuts.

“Our people have built Linktree into what it is today: trusted by millions of people around the world. “I’m heartbroken to say goodbye to some amazing teammates today and I want to do everything I can to support them,” Zakaria continued.

“On Friday, we’ll be posting an air traffic to our team of affected people and asking you to please consider this incredibly talented and passionate team for any open roles. I’m sure they’ll make a great contribution wherever they land. If you want to talk to me personally about any individual, my DM’s are open.”

“My focus and priority this week is on the team we will be leaving with the rest as we continue to push Lintry together.

“Friday will be a company-wide mental health day at Lintry. This is hard news for a company like ours, which is so focused on culture and camaraderie. I don’t expect anyone to be their normal self. We’re putting together an extra mental health day that you can take at your convenience,” he continued.

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