Why it’s so hard to smell when you travel.


Destination Abdominal is represented by a woman in a bathing suit holding her belly in a swimming pool with the shadow of an airplane behind her.

Destination constipation is real, experts say. (Photo: Getty Images; Image: Natalie Cruz)

While everyone is different, most people stick to a schedule that is familiar to them. But many factors can throw off that schedule and cause constipation — including something as simple as traveling.

Amanda Mae Renkel tells Yahoo Life that she suffers from what’s called destination constipation. “For as long as I can remember, I’ve been constipated on almost every trip I’ve taken,” she says. “The degrees of constipation are different, but I suffered from total to minor constipation.”

Renkel is a runner who travels for competitions, which she says has caused her “problems” with traveler’s constipation. “The night before my first Chicago Marathon in 2016, I felt like I needed to use the bathroom, but my body wouldn’t let me,” she tells Yahoo Life. “It was torture.”

Olguin, who asked that her last name not be shared for privacy reasons, has struggled with traveler’s constipation for years. “My worst experience was when I went on a trip to Europe and didn’t go for 10 days,” she told Yahoo! Life. “We were always on the go, doing moves back to back. Looking back at the photos, my stomach was so bloated, and I was struggling to keep up when we went long distances, which was unusual for me.”

She didn’t get relief until she took sedation. But unfortunately, Olguin says, constipation is “something I’ve had every vacation.”

There are no hard and fast numbers on how often constipation occurs, but doctors say it happens more than most people think. “It’s very common,” Dr. Rudolph Bedford, MD, a gastroenterologist at Providence St. John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California, told Yahoo Life. But what is destination constipation, exactly, and what can you do to get rid of it? Here’s the deal.

What is destination constipation?

“Destination constipation” (or “traveler’s constipation”) is not a medical term; It’s a phrase used to describe constipation when you’re away from home for an extended period of time. Constipation itself is a condition where you may have less than three bowel movements per week; Dry, dry or swollen poop; Poop that is difficult or painful to pass; Or the feeling that you’re not getting everything when you try to go to number 2, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.

“Being a little slower than normal is a relatively common occurrence,” Dr. Ellen Stein, M.D., interim clinical director of the GI Division at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, told Yahoo Life. “Traveling causes many changes in sleep, diet and stress levels, which can affect or completely disrupt people’s normal activities.”

Why does constipation occur?

Doctors say there are a few different things that can make you stop when you’re on the road.

  • You don’t have a chance to go at your usual time. Most regular people go at the same time every day, Bedford points out. But if you’re on a plane when it’s normally rolling, you can try to stop to leave at a more convenient time. Unfortunately, that can throw you off, increasing the risk of constipation in the process, he explains.

  • Your sleep cycle is off. “There are some neurological benefits of resting on your body and the effect it has on your gut,” says Bedford. A change in routine that can disrupt your sleep cycle can also interfere with when — and how often — you poop. “Our bodies are used to daily exercise in many ways,” he says.

  • You are not well fed. “Hydration is essential for all bodily functions to function properly,” says Stein. “During long air travel or traveling to high altitudes, there may be less humidity and the body may need more hydration.” But if you don’t take in enough fluids — which is understandable if you’re trying to avoid frequent trips to the bathroom on the road or during sightseeing — you may end up with an ash that’s too hard to pass, Bedford says.

  • You eat a variety of foods. Eating fewer fruits, vegetables, and other foods with fiber can improve bowel habits, Bedford says. When combined with dehydration, they increase the risk of constipation, he says.

  • You are in a different time zone. Time zone changes can also throw you off, says Stein. “If you’re a regular 6 a.m. riser and travel somewhere with a 12-hour time difference, that need may come at your usual time — now it’s 6 p.m.,” she said. It may be inconvenient for you to go at that time, increasing the risk of getting backed up.

How to reduce the risk of constipation

“Be aware of your different habits while you’re on the go,” says Bedford. That means making sure to have enough fruits, vegetables, and fiber-rich foods and try your best to drink the same amount of fluids as usual. “Some people recommend doing a bowel movement before you go, just to be safe,” he says.

Stein agrees about the importance of hydration: “Try to keep an eye on your average fluid intake throughout your trip. But if you’re traveling for a longer period of time, you may need to focus on staying hydrated. The days before and after your trip.”

Being active is key to keeping your gut healthy, suggests Bedford. “Movement is always helpful,” he added.

For Renkel, she finds it important to maintain a regular sleep schedule. “Staying on the same schedule as I do at home can completely change the game,” she says. “This may mean I can’t sleep on rest to avoid constipation.”

What to do if you have constipation on the road

Bedford recommends trying natural remedies first — meaning, drink plenty of water and fill up on fruits and vegetables. Stein suggests having prunes, raisins or dates to “speed things up naturally.”

If that doesn’t help, she says, taking a laxative like Miralax can help get things moving again.

Olguin said people should realize that this is a very common issue. “You’re never alone,” she says. “Don’t be afraid to come up with solutions, especially if you feel comfortable. Especially if you’re going to another country, it helps to know the word ‘laactive’ in different languages.”

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