Still offline trading in 2022


With the rise of online and digital content, it is easy to see that traditional marketing techniques may be overlooked in recent years. But despite its high value from blogging, social media and push ads, offline marketing still holds a place in the business of promoting products and services and building brand reputation.

Here are some of the best offline strategies that will work in 2022.

Stainless steel business cards
Photo Credit Clearing Metal Cards / Flyer

Business cards

Business cards are one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to bring your business word to the world.

Add them to orders to remember customer details, share them at conferences and networking events, or add them to billboards in public places to attract public attention. Business cards have great potential for such a cost-effective product, and should remain part of your marketing strategy by 2022.


Promotional brochures are powerful as a marketing tool, providing a simple and visually appealing way to show your product portfolio to your customers.

If you choose thin brochures that highlight offers and offers, or brochures that provide an in-depth overview of your business, brochures are an important investment for your marketing resources.

Lectures and workshops

Speech events are a great way to connect with your target audience and give them the opportunity to ask potential questions and engage directly with you.

It’s hard to believe a brand you have never heard of, especially if your products or services are at the highest price point. But with in-person events and workshops you can highlight the benefits of your business and teach your customers why something is so important that it can be a great way to market your business.

Gerila Marketing

Gorilla Trading refers to any unusual trading method that can involve a wide range of activities. From using branded stickers in public places to attracting the attention of passersby, adding one of your products to a sign or statue can be as creative and imaginative as you can imagine – there are no rules here.

Sponsors in sports


Sponsorship refers to the addition of your brand to a variety of merchandise or inventory to promote your business interests. At sporting events, you can add your logo to the store, sponsor an industry-related event, or create T-shirts or tote bags for spectators.

Sponsorship is a wide range of opportunities and while it may cost you a lot, the impact of sponsorship on your business can be significant. For businesses in a particular industry, sponsorship can be a great way to attract your target customers because they already know the sector and are more interested in what you have to offer.

Free samples

If your business is related to physical products, giving free samples to customers can be an effective way to encourage people to spend their money on what you sell. Sometimes customers are wary of buying a product or changing brands if they are unsure about the result – it is an easy way to see if you like the product before free samples come back for full negotiation.

Snail Mail

We may be in the age of email and social media, but in snail mail it is still valuable and remains an acceptable form of marketing for many businesses. You might be surprised at how many people choose physical offers, such as coupons or flyers, to advertise offers and events.

You can send newsletters or coupons that can be used in the store for product updates such as what is happening in the business and what new products or services have been launched.

It is a personalized marketing strategy that can be effective in attracting people to your store.

Business Workshop

Final Thoughts

These offline strategies vary widely in cost and effort, but they all have the potential to raise awareness of your business, products and services in a variety of ways.

If you choose to engage with potential customers in the first place or follow a subtle indirect approach, adding offline strategies to your marketing strategy will have a positive impact on your business.


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