Meher Adigbo gives career advice to future fashion designers


Autumn Adeigbo knows all about how hard—and fun—it is to bet on yourself. She had a whirlwind career as a fashion designer: she interned for Bette Johnson in college, worked with Jennifer Lopez’s stylist (you know what she did). That’s what he said. Green Versace Dress Time Happened), and is now the CEO of her iconic fashion line – Autumn Adeigbo clothing and accessories at Nordstrom, Neiman Marcus, And Bergdorf Goodman. Aren’t you impressed by their good faith? Okay, so get this: She was also the first *ever* black woman to raise $1 million in venture capital funding.

And today she answers all your burning career questions. The new C-Suite gives good advice Column. For those of you unfamiliar with the new C-Suite, this is the program. Cosmo Launched in partnership with Digital Unified to spotlight women of color who are making waves in corporate America.

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Autumn’s road to the top required good self-support, resilience and upright posture, and any setbacks strengthened her drive. Read on for insights on how to enhance your own career journey and keep your sanity in the process.

Are you maintaining a healthy work-life balance these days? And if yes, how?

No lol, but I believe there are seasons in life, and now is the season when I get into it.

What’s your scariest career hurdle, and what did you learn after getting to the other side?

Before I started my full-time collection, I was laid off. Thankfully, my boss at the time knew what I wanted to do was work online, so he let me go on unemployment benefits for six months. I went to work, and two weeks before my unemployment benefits ran out, I didn’t have a new job lined up and I had rent and bills to pay. Then out of the blue, my best client from that last job emailed me and offered to invest $200K in my business. I learned to do the work, trust the process, and ignore anyone who didn’t believe in me.

Let’s talk $$$. What tips do you have for negotiating a base salary or salary increase?

List how you will benefit the company. Mention key initiatives where you met expectations or accomplished more, and use actual numbers as a case study (“Increased revenue by X amount, drove profitability by X, or didn’t miss work in X days, provided key support for these results.” etc.) Come on.

Do your research to find out what a raise should be for your role and ask for that or better based on your performance. Before promoting, find out what the industry standard is in your niche. And finally, if your employer says no, do your best to line up another job option. Many employers would rather give you a raise than lose you to another company. So warming employer relationships can be good for this.

What about getting people to spend money on you or your business idea—any advice?

Bootstrap to test your idea: Investors like to see that you have “skin in the game,” and there’s evidence that it works if you have capital that allows you to have early metrics and data. Be sensitive. Passion is easily seen by investors and keeps you going when things get tough.

Have a good founding team – It’s hard to grow as a solo founder (although I did, as did my lead investors, Leah Sullivan and Britt Morin with their startups). Network to meet the right investors who will invest in your niche. There are many startup ecosystems you can enter to start that process (Angel List, 37 Angels, Women Founders Fund, Kilpatrick Townsend Law Firm in NYC is very founder/investor friendly).

When you’re faced with burnout moments, what’s the best way to overcome them?

I sleep, eat whatever my heart desires, and completely switch off from my business through travel, nature, music, shopping, working, and hanging out with my dog. I call my friends crying to get perspective. I don’t cry very often anymore, but it’s been so hard.

Who is your work idol?

I like to build something like Coco Chanel or Tory Burch.

What’s the best career advice you’ve ever received?

I’ve heard many gems along the way, but the one that comes to mind right now is, “Leaders take breaks, they don’t quit.”

What about the bad?

While I can’t think of anything specific at the moment, I would say see how people feel when they “advise” you. I don’t trust anyone who tells you something in a way that tries to undermine your confidence. It’s never what. is it. It’s there, but how someone says it tells you their true feelings, intentions, and motivations.

What is the top career development tool you recommend for young professionals?

Degree, and/or 10+ years of experience in your industry. There is no substitute for the network, knowledge, expertise and trust these two things can give you.

Do you have any advice on how to deal with a bad boss?

Notice and identify the toxicity pattern. Respectfully and gently set clear boundaries around the pattern and explain how you will be treated. Make a note of wrong actions (since mistakes can turn into legal ones). And just like in any relationship – if your boundaries aren’t being respected – get out! Depending on the level of the attack – call a lawyer.

What about self-doubt…when you’re not sure about yourself, how do you get over it?

I fully believe in the path He has laid before me and the talents and resources that surround me and I trust in my higher power. When everything fails – I pray.

What advice would you give to young women who want to start their own business?

Get education and experience in the field. Network, do people favors, ask for favors. See how you can be a mutual benefit to people in your area. Work hard and be kind. Karma is real!

Workplace culture has gone through many changes in the past few years, with the pandemic, corporate racial diversity, the Great Resignation, layoffs, and more. What other changes would you like to see in workplace culture?

I want to see more people passionate about their craft and re-committing to their work. Appreciating a bit of a slowdown – I miss the frenzy of pre-epidemic thinking.

What’s the last thing you do before you go to bed?

I try to pray and listen to spiritual content online. This practice really raised my mind to the point that I am basically psychic and can read people. Very helpful in business!

Gisele dress
Gisele dress
Credit: Autumn Adeigbo
Light-blue leather handbag
Light-blue leather handbag
Credit: Autumn Adeigbo
Melrose dress
Double strap closures
Head of Annabel Iwegbue

Annabel Iwegbue is an assistant editor at Cosmopolitan It covers entertainment, lifestyle, career, beauty, and astrology. Like, you know, everything. You can see some of Annabelle’s work here and also find her on Instagram. Twitter.


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