How to Deal With Customer Inquiries


Are you running a business on the go? If so, then you must have realized that working remotely requires you to work with providers like for helping you manage your business virtually. However, the real challenges for running your business remotely often come fro your customers.

Indeed, whether you like it or not, doing business means that you need to deal with any kinds of customers. Your main aim is to keep your customers, obviously.

Businesswoman making business call

Did you know that about 93 percent of customers have a chance of making repeat purchases with organizations that provide world-class customer service? Difficult customers are a part of any organization and so your team and you should be equipped on how to resolve customer conflicts effectively.

Let us now check out some of the top strategies to deal with customer inquiries and complaints, for the win!

Strategies to Deal with Customer Inquiries

1. Make sure you or your team members are active listeners

Never try to interrupt your customers when they are speaking or enter into an argument with them. You should follow this ground rule even when you anticipate what they would say next – they are mistaken or do not have the complete information.

Be an active listener and leverage the chance to build a bond with your customers.

2. Speak in a low tone and slowly

Even if the customer raises his / her voice, you should never speak loudly to them. When you are calm and composed, they would settle down faster.

Face the situation with a clear and calm mind and remain unaffected by the volume or tone of the customer. You will find their fury dissipating slowly.

3. Show your empathy to build rapport

Once you put yourself in the shoes of your customers, it will be easier to understand their pain areas. So, how about echoing the reason for their dissatisfaction and letting them know that you empathize with their situation and position.

When you show empathy for the problems and queries of your customers, they will calm down faster.

4. Be prepared to give in

In case it is obvious that it is going to take a few hours to satisfy a rude customer apart from aspirin, it is advisable to compromise to their demands. Doing so will give you more energy and time to build more harmonious customer relationships.

5. Resolve the query in a way as if all the customers are watching you

It is imperative to behave as if you are not conversing with only one customer but with a larger audience that is observing the interaction. This perspective shift can come in handy if the customer is being extremely rude and using foul language while interacting with you.

An angry customer may offer a negative referral and they are likely to repeat the interaction with your other potential customers. So, having this mindset is one of the best ways to tackle their concerns without losing your composure.

6. Do not take things personally

Ensure that you are focused on the current issue and avoid being personal although the customer does so. It is imperative to remember that the customer is unaware of you and is simply venting his / her frustration at you as a representative of the company.

It would be your responsibility to steer the interaction back to the matter at hand and the way you aim to resolve it.

7. Do not lose your calm

Even if the customer is being verbally abusive or swearing, make sure you pretend you did not hear them and continue with your response. After all, responding to them rudely will not give you an effective resolution but will escalate the situation instead.

We recommend you remind the abusive customer that you want to solve their problem in the best possible manner.

8. If you have promised a callback to the customer, keep your words

Did you promise an update to the customer that is not yet available to you? It does not matter and you should call them up at the promised schedule.

Your act will assure the customer that you are not trying to avoid them. Also, they will appreciate your follow-up.

Entrepreneur making a call

Scenarios of Difficult Customer Experiences

1. Handling an indecisive customer

You may ask specific queries about some common contributors, which affect decision-making. These may include price, service tiers, and features. In case you have any resources to help them make a decision, you may recommend those resources to the customer. Most importantly, you should be attentive to their concerns.

2. Handling an impatient customer

It is important to be to the point and clear without looking dismissive of their talks. You need to explain to them candidly why there is a delay or they need to wait without going into details.

If the customer is impatient, they should know the kind of effort you are investing in to resolve their queries or situations.

Keep your answers positive, and refrain from using technical terms or jargon as they are not likely to understand these.

3. Handling a demanding customer

You need to speak in a low tone and also be patient with such customers. Listen to their concerns or issues and try to address them swiftly. Show transparency or putting off such customers’ needs while handling other customers may not be done well.

4. Handling an angry customer

Although you are aware that the company you are representing is not at fault, start interacting with an angry customer by apologizing for the matter. Also, make attempts to resolve the problem by focusing on the pointed grievances they could be having. However, make sure that the interaction is short.

When you linger for a longer time, there could be more reasons for their grievances. As such, you would get less time to spend with the other customers.

5. Handling a vague customer

Similar to an indecisive customer, you should ask specific and pointed questions to a vague customer about their exact needs. The tactic has a greater likelihood of providing the details you require to help them in the best possible manner.

Every question you ask them should be to get to the crux of the situation. Thus, you do not have to spend a lot of time while your other customers could be waiting for their turns.

6. Handling an unhappy customer

A dissatisfied customer and a furious customer need similar responses. Start with an apology though you feel it is not required. Study the solutions provided briefly and try to come up with a new solution.

Go through the company policies to assess what can be done in this scenario. Last, do not dismiss their complaints or concerns during the conversation. Instead, listen with an attentive and sympathetic ear.

Calling customer service


‘Winning’ in customer service – regardless of the types and sizes of your business – often requires you to take two steps back to move one step forward. The idea is for your customer service team to know what to do in certain situations with the sole purpose to provide top-notch support and service – and keep the customers for as long as you can. The tips presented in the article can help you get there.


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