CX strategies for winning and keeping customers fall short.


While 71% of consumers feel more strongly about a hybrid experience that combines physical and digital interactions with companies, fewer than one in seven marketers say they have the digital infrastructure to deliver mature hybrid models.

Source © Everything is Possible 71% of consumers feel more strongly about a hybrid experience with companies that combines physical and digital interactions

Source © Everything is Possible 123rf 71% of consumers feel more strongly about hybrid experiences with companies that combine physical and digital interactions

Experience 2030 A report released at the height of the pandemic showed that consumers are leaning towards a hybrid experience that mixes physical and digital interactions.

But new research from the CMO Council, Cracking the CX code of tomorrow Few companies have succeeded in the digital transformation necessary to achieve successful hybrid-CX by partnering with SAS.

That’s more than half (56%) of consumers using brands both digitally (eg social, email, mobile, web) and physically (eg in-store, call center, live chat).

Key findings

Key findings from two surveys of more than 1,000 marketing leaders and 2,000 consumers worldwide reveal:

  • 60% of marketers say the digital customer journey has dramatically changed their CX strategy.
  • 65% of marketers are not very confident in their current CX strategy’s ability to win and retain customers.
  • 67 percent of marketers say delivering hybrid CX is extremely (32%) or extremely (35%) important in the next 12 months.

But despite brands’ clear emphasis on CX for the digital journey, consumers aren’t satisfied with the results:

  • Almost half (48%) of brands feel they are not doing a good enough job of delivering the right experience to win and retain their business.
  • 66% of consumers don’t feel in control of what brands do with their data and privacy.

Opportunity to improve CX

“All CMOs are concerned about driving growth, and that’s the result of great CX,” said Jennifer Chase, SAS executive vice president and chief marketing officer.

“This report shows that there is a huge opportunity for CMOs to improve CX Cracking the CX code of tomorrow” examines 13 critical CX capabilities in two groups – agile/operational and organizational/infrastructure – to suggest where marketers need to improve and how to implement these changes.

As we move into uncertain economic times, CX will be an engine of growth for our company that we cannot ignore.

Crying for modern change

Cracking the CX code of tomorrow It examines today’s customer loyalty drivers, how brands can get ahead of the CX capabilities maturity curve, how to get ahead of the consumer personal issue, deliver on hybrid CX, AI/machine learning to serve up valuable experiences, and more.

“Your CX strategy is crying out for a modern transformation,” says Donovan Nelle-May, executive director of the CMO Council.

“The challenge is orchestrating a great customer experience that hits all the right notes, from digital self-service to meaningful personalization to privacy and trust to seamless channel, including ‘hybrid’ physical and digital experiences.”


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