CodiumAI is using generative AI to help developers automate code logic tests.


With two decades of experience in the tech industry, CodiumAI founder and CEO Itamar Friedman has personally experienced the pain of building test suites to test code logic. While there are tools for testing code security and performance, code logic testers have proven to be lacking.

He started CodiumAI to solve those problems by coming up with a solution that builds on those challenges using automated generative AI, and today the 9-month-old company came out of the blue with an $11 million seed investment.

“We have a lot of tools to test code for vulnerabilities, make sure it’s secure. We have some tools to test performance, but not much. [any] Tools that actually validate code logic, right down to the line-of-code level, and verify that it works. And that’s really frustrating and a lot of developers spend 25% to 50% of their time writing tests and testing code logic, Friedman told TechCrunch.

Most developers save time by using boilerplate code to jumpstart their programming and then fill it in with custom code. You typically build tests to verify that the compiled code works as designed. With CodiumAI, the company replaces the need to build these logic tests by hand by building them for you.

CodiumAI test suite, automatically generated based on the code.

Image Credits: Codium

Friedman says the solution is using generative AI to build these tests. Simply click the “Generate Tests” button and the program will automatically analyze the code and create a set of tests. The developer can then interact with this code and request more specific tests, and it will automatically create a new test based on those additional instructions.

It says they built a custom large language model called TestGPT, which is at the heart of the solution. “It’s used to generate code analysis, test planning, and test code. It’s then used to interactively respond to user questions to explain those tests,” Friedman explained.

The company has been working with 1,000 early adopters for the past several months, and today it’s opening up the free product to anyone who wants to try it out. By getting developers involved with the free product early, Friedman believes the company will make money down the road as it releases products for groups and enterprises with advanced features designed for the specific needs of these groups.

The company currently has 15 employees and is hiring. Even at the beginning of the company, he says that building a diverse team is a priority for him. Today we have many differences in the 15 people. [we have on the team]. And now it is important for us, but [we recognize] “There’s always more you can do and we’ve put in a lot of effort,” he said.

The $11 million seed investment was co-led by Vine Ventures and TLV Partners, along with several prominent industry angel investors.


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