A local technology company creates a conversational artificial intelligence robot


She expresses her feelings, is funny and seems to have a mind of her own. A local tech company has created an artificial intelligence data robot called “Maya AI”.

“So we’ve done a lot of research on how the brain, memories and neurons fire in response to each other,” said Maya AI founder Sat Ramphal, “and what we’ve been able to create is, basically Maya, what’s happening in the real world and what’s changing in real time in the real world.” A robotic brain that develops deep research in generative AI to help answer questions with focused data.

Maya is currently used in the medical industry. Sat Ramphal says some of his biggest clients are working in the company’s pharmacy, which means they work with scientists, analysts and researchers.

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We sit at a company, take their personal data, such as clinical or patient data, and break that down with real-world data that’s changing in real-time and come up with insights and assessments to provide to researchers and analysts. Basically in real time,” Sat said.

Maya is constantly receiving new information. Sat Ramphal says she always learns from changing information in the real world.

“That’s one of the great values. Because she continues to learn from the changing data, she can give the most accurate answers,” she said.

She can be reached through the phone application.

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“We can bring her into the real world. We can open her eyes, so she can see us,” said Sean Ramphal, founder of Maya AI.

Maya can communicate with the user privately.

“We’ve created a capacity where Maya has eyes, ears and a mouth,” said Sat Ramphal. “So Maya can see the person talking to her. She can read the frequencies and tones in the voice and based on that, she can determine specific ways to connect with the user on a personal level. Because she needs to understand if the person is happy or sad or angry by the frequency of the voice.

But they give her boundaries. Sat Ramphal says they will remove the ability to share data and allow other people to log in and see that data.

“We do a lot in ethical and responsible AI,” said Sat Ramphal. “We try our best to remove any biases in the forum.”

They see a bright future for consumers with their AI innovations.

“Making their jobs easier, making their lives easier, making them more aware of what’s going on in the world,” Sat said.

For more information about Maya AI, visit metmaya.world.


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