Anti-Speed ​​Tech is a must for new cars now in Europe.


One of the biggest causes of car accidents is speeding – and as a result it can lead to death and injury. To address this, the European Union (EU) has recently introduced anti-speed technology (ISA) for cars entering the European market. In addition, the technology will be mandatory for all new cars sold in the EU – starting in 2024. Could the United States need the same anti-speed technology next?

What is Intelligent Speed ​​Assistance (ISA) and how does it work?

ISA anti-speed technology mandatory white car speed side view for new cars in Europe
Fast Car | Alessio Lin via Unsplash

Intelligent Speed ​​Assist is a new anti-speed technology that uses a variety of methods to ensure that the driver is driving fast. This includes map data, car camera and in-depth tutorials. The ISA system can alert the driver in various ways when it detects speeding. The system can slow down the vehicle to bring it within the speed limit.


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