Unity has released a beautiful PS5 Tech Demo with Lions


Unity’s latest PS5 tech demo showcases what’s possible on current-generation consoles and brings gaming fun into the future.

Players can add now. Unity A list of game engines that demonstrate what’s possible on current generation hardware, even if the impressive level of detail has yet to be used in a fully-fledged video game. However, due to this technology demonstration, Unity may indicate that the gaming industry is ready to take its next leap forward.

Unity is a game engine developed in 2005 by Unity Technologies. It is a public platform that allows developers to create and manage their games, and is responsible for such hits. Ori Series and cup head sStudios like Respawn, Atari and Riot Games are also known to use this engine. The engine extends to industries outside of gaming, such as film, engineering, architecture, and even the United States military. However, most of its work is seen in virtual reality and mobile games, accounting for at least half of those in their respective markets. Unity is a fantastic engine that drives video games into the future, and now more than ever, showing what’s possible with the technology on PlayStation 5.

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The tech demo is basically a 23-second clip of a lion playing with its cub, but what it shows is that the players are excited about the future. This is probably the closest a game engine has ever gotten to mimicking reality, and since the tech demo is built on current-generation hardware, the possibilities for what’s to come may not be far off. Next-gen gaming has previously been criticized for not making as much progress in graphics as previous generations, now focusing more on performance and load times, but that doesn’t mean those higher levels of fidelity aren’t possible.

The current generation of games is still in the first quarter of its age, so this fact shown on the tech screen gives time to be applied to future games. However, Unity isn’t without controversy, as CEO John Riccitello recently came out in favor of microtransactions to bring players back in monetization.

The end of the tech demo showcases Unity’s partnership with Weta Digital, Peter Jackson’s VFA Studio and Ziva Dynamics, another recent breakthrough responsible for bringing augmented reality to life. As a result of the recent acquisition, Unity is shaping up to be built toe-to-toe with Epic’s Unreal Engine as a build tool for developers in all fields.

More: The most amazing next-gen games so far


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