TikTok hacked, more than 2 billion user database records stolen: security researchers


Cyber-security researchers on Monday discovered a data breach at Chinese short-form video app TikTok that allegedly involved up to 2 billion user database records.

Several cyber-security analysts tweeted about the discovery of what they believed to be “unsecured access to TikTok’s storage server, which they believe contains private user information.”

“This is your early warning. #TikTok #data #breach has been reported. If true, there may be fallout from it in the coming days. If not, we suggest you change your TikTok password and enable two-factor authentication. Already done,” BeeHive CyberSecurity tweeted.

“We have reviewed a sample of the leaked data. We have already sent warning communications to our email subscribers and private customers,” he added.

Troy Hunt, creator of the data breach information site, posted a thread on Twitter to confirm whether the sample data is real. For him, the evidence is “so far so beautiful.”

BlueHornet|AgaisntTheWest released all the details on the hacked forums.

“Who thought @TikTok would decide to store all internal backend code using a password dump and store it on an Alibaba Cloud instance?” They tweeted posting how to easily download the data.

A TikTok spokesperson said in news reports that their security team “investigated this statement and determined that the code in question is completely unrelated to TikTok’s backend source code.”

Microsoft’s 365 Defenders research team discovered a vulnerability in the TikTok app for Android that could allow hackers to download private, short-form videos of millions of users when they insert a malicious link.

Microsoft has discovered a major vulnerability in the Tik Tok Android application, which could allow attackers to compromise users’ accounts with a single click.

The vulnerability, which required multiple instances to be chained to exploit, has now been patched by a Chinese company.

“If a targeted user simply clicked on a specially crafted link, they could have exploited the vulnerability to hack into users’ accounts without their knowledge,” the tech giant said in a statement last week.

— No matter

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(Only the headline and image for this report may have been reproduced by Business Standard staff; the rest of the content was generated automatically from the syndicated feed.)

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