Three Dirty Cyber ​​Security Threats for Businesses



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Modern enterprises are driven by a large amount of data that affects many business decisions. Product Improvement, Marketing, Advertising Trends, Business Risks and Product Performance – These are the components of a business based on accurate information for quality decision making.

No matter how important information is for enterprises, it is undeniable that enterprise data can be corrupted by potential errors. Recent studies have shown that the cost of hacking costs businesses in the United States an average of $ 15 million. A.D. A shocking report in 2018 revealed that Samsung lost about $ 300 million due to bad information.

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Then there is the growing concern about how to ensure data integrity in organizations to avoid errors in information quality and to lead to serious business decisions. There are also concerns that junk information could lead to data security vulnerabilities, a major cyber security threat to businesses.

What is junk information?

Dirty data Customer or business information is incorrect, duplicated or lost. Dirty data can be triggered when the administrator mistakenly duplicates the customer’s record, when someone mistakenly records an important data record, when the data entry tool fills in incorrect information or fills out spam emails, or when the date format is consistent.

Due to the interaction of people with organizational information, it is almost impossible to maintain the integrity and accuracy of information at any time, which means that information can be targeted and used by armed attackers.

Types of dirty data

Below are some types of junk information that could compromise the integrity of most enterprise databases.

Duplicate data

It looks at data entries that are similar to other data entered into your database without knowing duplicate data. Contacts, guides, and tags are very frequently duplicated.

Expired data

Outdated data is no longer relevant. For example, outdated cookies in old server session, web information may no longer be valid and the company may go through a new brand name.

Incomplete data

Incomplete data may be a missing list of important fields in the main data registry. Some important fields include first names, last names, industry types, and phone numbers.

Incorrect or incorrect data

When field values ​​are created outside the accepted values ​​range, it can lead to incorrect data. For example, a month field should only accept values ​​between one and 12, and the address must be a real home or office space. When these valid values ​​are missing, we may call this data incorrect.

Incompatible data

When input has too much representation on other systems, data is said to be inconsistent. For example, when the birthday field is entered in different versions such as Dob, DOB or Day B.

One issue with inconsistent data is that it affects analytics and prevents data sharing when you have to consider all the same topics and industries.

Dirty Data Cyber ​​Security Threats for Business Enterprises

With data breaches growing in many industries, junk information raises some emerging cyber security concerns. These concerns are described below.

Misleading signals may be targeted at cyber integration centers

Cyber ​​fusion centers are collaborative projects designed to enhance communication between different groups. Integration Centers Automation Techniques with information gathered from a variety of sources to gain insights into business and security decisions.

Unfortunately, there is an opportunity for attackers to use the power of cyber fusion centers to control and disseminate false information.

More attackers focus on poison information

Attackers continue to try new tactics to increase their success and escape from law enforcement and carry out more thefts and more targeted attacks. They vigorously store up false information to discredit the organization, deceive consumers, or alter the process.

In order to undermine the credibility and legitimacy of information by distracting actors, there is a risk that the credibility of the information companies will be compromised.

Digital twins double the aspect of the attack

Simulation and machine learning are used to create digital pairs of objects to gather information based on real-world characteristics. The use of digital twins is accelerating efforts among producers to accelerate product development, improve tracking capabilities, and predict financial outcomes.

Because digital twins use real-world information, anyone who can find twins can see important details about their physical counterpart. Attackers can exploit digital twins to create a break in the production and supply chain.

How organizations can protect themselves

Indicate critical assets

Listing important information resources is the first step. Next, focus on creating, implementing, and maintaining an organizational plan to control information poisoning situations in these critical assets.

Think of deploying platforms with built-in data management features, as they provide monitoring and troubleshooting of all aspects of data management, including data accuracy.

Use automatic

Pay attention to the accuracy of data and intelligence resources as the cyber fusion center improves. Automation systems need to be regularly evaluated for their ability to create interruptions. You should also set automation restrictions that do not conflict with safety and security requirements. Develop, practice, and classify response strategies for emergency cyber integration data.

Hire data cleanup

Establish policies to enable business and IT teams to work together to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of a cyber fusion center by employing data protection processes to further ensure the accuracy of feeding cyber fusion data.

Get to know the digital twins

Security teams can better monitor and manage digital twins if they know each other well and how they interact with the big company. Try to establish relationships with digital twin providers to assess their security potential. Check for software links between digital twins and their physical counterparts for weaknesses.


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