The Startup Magazine Founder Interview: Rita Bautista, CEO of Latino Podcasters


As part of our female founder series, Startup Magazine caught up with Rita Bautista, CEO of Latino Podcasters.

In the year Founded in 2019 by Ms. Bautista, Latina Podcasters is a Latina and minority owned and operated international podcast network group. Latina podcasters are changing the media landscape by streamlining the process for a host of brands and companies to purchase read-only ads and curated segments on podcasts with authentic Latinx voices. Under the group’s umbrella are two sub-networks: Latino Pods, which features a male audience, and the Latino Podcasters Network, which features Latino-hosted programming. For more information, visit

Here Rita shares more about her journey…

TSM: In 10 words or less, can you tell us what the mission of Latin Podcasters is?

Rita: Latina Podcasters streamlines the ad buying process for brands and agencies with the right Latina, Latino and Latino podcasts.

TSM: In a little more detail, tell us more about the background of Latina Podcasters and how it works?

Rita: I created Latino Podcasts to create representation and highlight US-based Latina, Latino, and Latino voice stories through podcasts. As a traditionally underpaid and underrepresented community, we ensure that our podcasters are paid at or above the market rate by creating premium host reading ads for the brands and agencies we work with to truly connect with the US Hispanic market.

TSM: Can you cite a specific success story that exemplifies the purpose and success of Latino podcasters that inspires you?

Rita: We created a campaign for McDonald’s that focused on how McDonald’s has a positive impact on our community. One of our podcasters did a commercial about her son getting sick as a child, and Ronald McDonald House paid for her family to stay near the hospital. Listening to the podcast made me see the positive impact the company has outside of the fast food industry, and the podcaster highlighted this to her listeners.

My success story in getting podcasters to pay market value or more was when I was hosting dinners with our podcasters in our major markets. When they were in New York and LA, they shared everything that podcasters were able to do because of the money they were able to make because of the network. Some of the most valuable stories I’ve heard have come directly from podcasters who claim they’ve been able to buy a home. When these podcasters told me that you can now afford homes in two of the most expensive markets in the country, I felt like what I built made a difference.

TSM: What are the most important things you can tell Latinas to help them find their “voice” as leaders and entrepreneurs?

Rita: To not be afraid and to tell their story. We have been underrepresented for far too long, and the only way to change that is by stepping up and creating. Their stories don’t have to be deep. Humorous and funny stories are also important and heartwarming, but we need the creativity and amplification of these stories to move the needle.

TSM: As an entrepreneur yourself, going back to your early life decisions, tell us what influenced your decision to become an entrepreneur?

Rita: I grew up in a family with an unresponsive mother. I watched her clean houses (sometimes cleaning houses with her), I watched Mary Kay sell cosmetics, invest in local and international real estate, and do many other things to make ends meet. However, the most powerful lesson I learned was deciding how and when she made money. This was important to me and it gives me strength to know that I can eventually do this; I had a role model who showed me that where there’s a will, there’s a way. As long as your personal mission aligns with the greater good, everything will work out in the end.

The amazing thing is that as an entrepreneur you have to be flexible and wear many hats. One day they are talking to producers and each individual podcast host to find their buyers. Then the next day you’re a sales manager and the next day you’re the face of the company talking to people who want to invest millions in your company. All of these behind-the-scenes activities are just as important as the next, but to understand your industry, you need to know how to be a jack of all trades.

TSM: What are your plans for the future as Latina podcasters or expanding into new media businesses?

Rita: We want you to create and convert original episodes and audio novels in English, Spanish and Spanish. We are also expanding to YouTube. The ultimate goal is to become a publicly traded company.

TSM: What is the most important thing you would tell other startup founders? What lesson did you learn?

Rita: One lesson is to understand the meaning of the word grit. Learn the word and make it part of your vocabulary. You will learn more not to give up on your idea and to see it. Hit it fast without taking anything personal. Be open to change and learn how your company fits into changing markets.

The biggest lesson I’ve learned is to never take anything personally, even though every now and then, there’s something that hits close to home. If you try not to take anything personally, this will be much easier.

Also make sure you prioritize me time. As a startup founder, you give a lot of yourself, but you are also available outside of the company. Learn what your “self” care routine is and practice it religiously to be the best version of yourself while working at the company.

TSM: What’s one fun fact about you that people don’t know?

Rita: My family had a circus in Honduras until the 1970s. Entertainment is in my blood, so I have learned to understand many different personalities. This fact is one of the reasons for the Latina podcaster’s success. I also played the baritone horn, lol 😊 .

TSM: That must be a lot of fun. Thanks for your insights. G00d luck for your future achievements.

Rita Bautista


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