Steve Blank Technology, Innovation and Great Power Competition – Part 5 – Learning AI and Machine

Startup Stories


This article first appeared at the West Point Institute of Modern Warfare.

We have just completed the fifth week of our new National Security Unit at Stanford – Technology, Innovation and Great Power Competition. Joe Felter, Raj Shah and I designed the room with technology. All ingredients National Power (American Influence and Imprint on the World Forum).

In Part 1 we learned that national power is a combination of a country’s diplomacy, intelligence, military capabilities, economic strength, finance, intelligence and law enforcement. This “whole government approach” is known by the acronym DME– FIL

Part 2 focuses on China, the United States’ main competitor. China is using all parts of the country’s armed forces to use diplomacy (soft power, coalition, coercion), information, military and economic strength (Belt and Road Initiative), as well as Western finance and technology. China’s goal is to oppose and overthrow the US-led liberal world order and replace it with a neo-totalitarian model.

The third part focuses on Russia and has proven itself as a competitive force since 2014. We have learned how Russia pursues security and economic interests in parallel with its ideological goals. Sometimes these goals complement each other. Russia’s policy is being challenged by Vladimir Putin and his political establishment.

The fourth section focuses on the impact of commercial technologies on DIME-FIL. It was the first technology we explored Semiconductors, 21st Century Oil The US relies on the most advanced logic chips in TSMC, Taiwan. China has a problem with saying that Taiwan is a province of China.

Today’s episode Learning Artificial Intelligence

Connect with the class by reading our introduction to the class and the summaries of sections 1, 2, 3 and 4

Important reading

Introduction to AI

AI Weapon Competition Poetry True or Fiction?

China AI Strategy

  • Geoffrey Ding, “China’s Current Skills, Policies and Industrial Environment in AI” Testimony of China’s artificial intelligence, innovation, and new energy at the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission on technology, trade, and military-civilian integration.June 7, 2019
  • Helen Toner, “Technology, Trade and Military-Civil Integration Recognize Chinese Artificial Intelligence, New Materials and New Energy Search” Testimony before the US-China Economic and Security Review CommissionJune 7, 2019
  • Ryan Fedesiouk, Jennifer Melot, Ben Murphy

Russian AI strategy

American AI Strategy

Obama administration

Trump administration

Biden Management

Other AI and National Security Resources

Reading Assignment Questions

Choose one of the questions below and answer approximately 100 words depending on the desired reading. Please note that this classification is rated and taken into course participation.

  1. How do you define geopolitical AI weapon competition? Is the “weapon race” the right lens to understand this phenomenon, or is there another way to better understand the great power race in the AI ​​domain?
  2. Can the United States learn from China’s AI strategy?

Part 5 – Guest Speakers

Our speakers for the fifth grade were Mike Brown, Nand Mulchandani, and Jacqueline Tame.

Mike Brown is the Director of the Defense Innovation Unit (DIU) – a Department of Defense firm with national companies to address national security issues. Mike was previously the CEO of Cementtech and Quantum.

Nand Mulchandani is the Chief Technology Officer of the Joint Artificial Intelligence Center (JAIC). JAIC Defense Department AI strategy is the focus.

Jacqueline Tame was the former Deputy Director of JAIC and the architect of JAIC Gamechanger, an AI-led policy analysis tool.

Mike Brown led the session with an overview of the Defense Innovation Unit (DIU).

If you can’t see Mike Brown’s defense innovation unit presentation, click here.

Highlights from Mike’s speech: Today, defense-related R&D is 4%. The key technologies needed for defense today are developed by commercial companies (5G, AI, Biotech, Quantum, Space Access, Batteries, etc.). Contractors 11 for 1 R&D ($ 70.5B compared to $ 6.2B)

The role of DIU is to find and implement business technology through prototype, transition, and scalable solutions to DoD. They have a very fast pipeline from troubleshooting, reviewing and selecting companies, then prototyping and importing Dodie programs (by DD standards). The AI ​​/ ML DIU focuses on one of the six core areas (space, autonomy, advanced energy and materials, cyber and human systems).

Nand Mulchandani outlines JAIC’s role and motivation. One in particular, Gammechanger conceived and was led by Jacqueline Tame.

Gamechanger uses AI to solve problems that only the government can create. The DD and federal regulations have tens of thousands of policies, laws, and regulations that tell decision makers what they can and cannot do. These are found in different places on different networks and change almost every day. Now I simply have the ability to “x”? You can type in a natural language query. Or “How To Buy This Item Quickly?” Inter alia.

Lesson 5

If you can’t see the slides, click here

Our first discussion in Section 7 was whether Nicholas Chil (former Air Force Chief Software Officer) was right in saying that we had already lost to China in the AI ​​war.

Slides 9-14 discuss the geopolitical implications of AI. How can AI affect all DIME (diplomatic, intelligence, military and economic) and national forces after both China and Russia have made one AI national effort? What are the effects of AI created by deep lies? Automatic detection of satellite data image? AI Creating Better Work Concepts? AI-modified cyber-attack? AI cyber security? AI Smart / Estimated Repair? Etc. Where do we first see the impact? What will be our response?

Class discussion questions: (Slide 15)

  • How are the strengths and weaknesses of US AI strategy described?
  • How do you advise Biden management to follow the AI ​​strategy?

next week: Self-government and non-autonomous systems

Lessons learned

  • AI and machine learning are critical technologies that affect all DME (diplomatic, intelligence, military and economic) and national forces.
  • Most of the advanced work in AI / ML is being done by business companies and universities, not Dodie
    • China and Russia have made AI and machine learning a national priority
  • The Defense Unit (DIU) is available to acquire and import business technologies such as AI / ML.
  • The Joint Artificial Intelligence Center (JAIC) Defense Department AI strategy is the focus.

Filed under: Innovation and Modern Warfare and the Great Power Competition |


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