Software can perform better than ‘male’, ‘female’ and ‘other’.


Why is it dehumanized as an “other”? Even the choice of the three most popular, “he,” “she,” and “they,” would be reasonable. From a coding perspective, updating the dropdown language will be much easier.

It should not be difficult for companies to improve gender inclusion on existing forms. Providing more options usually only requires changing or adding a few lines of code. Here’s what it looks like to add a third style category in PHP, which is used to organize multiple web forms:

Of course, not all software is easy to update. That’s why it’s important to create an inclusive program for developers at the design stage so that gender-diverse users feel welcome when they get started.

Although a minority, trans people are still a large demographic for software. According to estimates, there are more than 1.4 million transgender adults in the US—about twice the population of Alaska. How is it that we accept at least one populated state as a second option in an alphabetical list of dozens of options, but find it inconvenient to add a few more genders?

“Female” and “male” should be at the top of the list; 99.5% of people don’t have to scroll too much to find their gender. As a trans person, I simply ask that developers include options for all people who use their software. As a developer, I know that’s not too big of a ask.

Everett Franchuk is a web developer and writer based in Winnipeg, Manitoba.


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