Revolutionizing E-commerce with Jetronics: A Visionary Approach by Juma Raz

Juma Raz, CEO of the Jetronics

Juma Raz Pir Jamal, a renowned business leader, currently serves as the CEO of the Jetronics Group of Companies, a leading e-commerce business in the UAE. With over a decade of experience in the industry, Juma Raz Pir Jamal has been instrumental in propelling the company’s growth and success.

Under his leadership, Jetronics Group of Companies has set high standards for excellence and customer satisfaction. Juma Raz Pir Jamal’s business acumen, strategic vision, and leadership abilities have earned him widespread respect and recognition as a technology industry thought leader. Read on for more insights from our interview.

What’s the idea behind Your Company?

The core concept of our company is centered around producing and distributing cutting-edge devices at highly competitive prices, ensuring accessibility for all to experience their advantages.

What was your career journey’s starting point, and do you have any advice for those just starting out?

I chose to deviate from the conventional approach and concentrate on a specific target audience. Rather than following the herd, I dedicated my efforts to conceive innovative business and marketing concepts, resulting in my triumph. My strategy was centered around generating concise one-minute videos that showcased our products by unboxing and demonstrating them, which we employed for promotional purposes. This method enabled customers to have a clear idea of what they were purchasing, making our products more attractive.

To aspiring entrepreneurs, my suggestion would be to begin with a unique concept. Embrace new experiences and step away from the mundane and monotonous. Concentrate on your strengths and strive to excel in them.

What are your company’s goals?

At present, we are one of the top 5 companies in the UAE and Oman region. However, our objective is to ascend further and claim a position in the top 3 by the end of 2023.

How crucial are the energy levels of your employees to your company’s success?

Competent and dedicated employees are invaluable assets and a key factor in any company’s success. Although a company may offer exceptional products, the absence of proficient employees to handle sales and provide after-sale service may lead to failure in meeting customer expectations. Hence, investing in skilled employees is equally crucial to investing in quality products.

What measures do you have in mind to encourage your team to go above and beyond?

Our employees are self-motivated due to the conducive working environment we provide. Moreover, we distribute profit shares to every employee based on their performance grade at the end of each year.

What drives your company to progress despite encountering obstacles?

We possess an E-Fulfillment and Delivery team in-house, which is one of our strengths. This has helped us to avoid any significant challenges that could impede the smooth flow of our business.

How do you think technology is leading to changes in businesses? Do you feel it’s helping Your Company grow?

Undeniably, technology has a substantial impact on most businesses, particularly in the e-commerce industry. The progressions in technology have made shopping exceedingly convenient and effortless. It’s remarkable how we have transitioned from conventional brick-and-mortar stores to the digital era.

How is your company adapting to digitalization?

We acknowledge the significance of digitalization in today’s business environment. In line with this trend, we have made considerable investments in technology and digital infrastructure. To maintain our position as a leading business, we consistently explore and implement innovative ideas in the digital realm.

Do you use innovative ideas to be unique?

Our commitment to staying ahead of the curve is unwavering, and we achieve this by adopting innovative ideas that distinguish us from our competitors. We comprehend the significance of creativity in the market and relentlessly explore new and thrilling methods to enhance our products and services. We motivate our employees to think beyond the conventional norms and tackle problem-solving using creative approaches.

Would you like to say anything else to our viewers?

One should strive to have a true passion for their work when building a successful business, as it demands hard work, dedication, and persistence.

Furthermore, it’s important to take measured risks and view setbacks as opportunities to learn. To build a successful business, it’s often necessary to take chances and gain insights from errors. Be bold and don’t shy away from risk-taking, but make sure to gather all necessary information and make informed decisions before doing so.

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