Revealed: New wearables revolutionizing the hospitality and travel industry


The ultimate vacation-travel bliss: After two long years of the coronavirus pandemic, it’s at the top of every current traveler’s wish list. With vacation travel in higher demand than ever before, it’s time for hospitality leaders to focus on winning travelers’ trust and loyalty by creating a holistic approach to exciting travel. Whether it’s a special vacation to a far-flung, sun-drenched destination or a mandatory quarantine for families across the country, travelers are hitting the roads, air and sea in record numbers to reconnect, rejuvenate and recover. The most stressful time in our life together.

Source: Northern Arizona UniversitySource: Northern Arizona University
Source: Northern Arizona University

Travel can be exciting and bring about positive mood changes. It also inevitably triggers a variety of stressors that cause depression and anxiety. Or worse, the stress of traveling alone or traveling at night can exacerbate symptoms in people with mental health problems. Therefore, navigating lodging and transportation systems and helping travelers cope with emotional and mental stress before, during, and after travel is a smart healthcare practice as well as an opportunity for the hospitality industry to proactively strengthen customer relationships.

For women and diverse travelers, travel-related stress can be compounded by the existential trauma and post-traumatic stress that comes with simply going about their day-to-day lives. For these people, travel-related anxiety appears to be worrying about being safe (even supposedly) when traveling alone at night. “safe” areas), fighting or microaggressions in air travel (increasing and worse than pre-epidemic travel), or simply trying to cope with post-traumatic stress when they can work. 100%

What if there was a way to make travel less stressful that travelers of all ages and backgrounds could easily embrace? What if there was a tool that made dealing with post-traumatic stress easier, especially when traveling? What if there was a way that savvy hospitality operators could help increase confidence in the tourism industry?

What exactly is travel stress? It’s the body’s response to stress: the pressure of coordinating multiple itineraries, getting stuck at airports, misplacing passports, standing through security, dealing with last-minute flight cancellations, and managing a vacation budget. Not enough packing the right gear. Ended up packing too much gear. Lack of dinner space and knowing that top local restaurants are booked months in advance. (See also Irene Macabante on travel trauma:

By being able to respond to the increasing digitalization and personalization needs of consumers, TouchPoints offers the opportunity to facilitate these desires and seamlessly integrate new technologies and new products into travel and healthcare.

What are TouchPoints?

TouchPoints is a high-tech service designed to improve travelers’ end-to-end experience by reducing the stress and anxiety often associated with travel. These wearable devices allow travelers to focus on the overall experience – which includes self-care for mind and body – and improve the overall outcome of the trip.

Source: Northern Arizona UniversitySource: Northern Arizona University
Source: Northern Arizona University

Touch points, placed on both parts of the body, vibrate gently to activate the user “cool down” Response. Within seconds, users can control their stress, and experience clearer thinking and a sense of balance. This process creates lasting new behavior, reducing the negative effects of stress over time.

Since travel-related stress often starts weeks before the trip, consider sending TouchPoints to clients before their departure date to help address the biggest stress-inducing culprits—from planning and packing to dealing with physical aches and pains once the trip begins—being Part A. “Hospitality X Healthcare”. Solution.

Source: Northern Arizona UniversitySource: Northern Arizona University
Source: Northern Arizona University

Hospitality industry players can all benefit from low-cost, high-impact services. “gift” Balance and stress-reduction. As modern travelers make booking decisions based on rewards and benefits, luxury upgrades that relieve pre-trip stress can serve as smart marketing and upsells before vacation. “Welcome” device. Adding self-care to the hospitality benchmark alongside standards for decor, environment, cleanliness, value, etc. to alleviate stress is consistent with the overall brand service experience.

No more travel worries

Being away from home can be very stressful. Fear of uncertainty, security concerns, massive flight cancellations, covid protocols. Modern travelers deserve modern solutions to relieve stress.

Just as spa-like airport lounges with invigorating cuisine or hotels with in-room yoga mats are created to provide quiet spaces and ease travelers into new surroundings, touchpoints can help shift a high-tech path to a calm, meditative path. Function of the parasympathetic nervous system.

Our body reacts to minor stress like a serious accident, by activating our body “Fight or Flight” Responding and triggering stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, which make us feel anxious and out of control. But our default stress response can literally be modified by TouchPoints. Wearable devices are designed to maintain stress; So, helping travelers stay in a Zen meditative state for their adventure travel experiences in a safe retreat or focused high performance state.

And at the end of the day? TouchPoints help combat the factors that stand between your customer and a good night’s rest. Anxiety is one of the most common and most common sleep triggers. It can make even the most discerning of international travelers nervous.

TouchPoints proprietary neuroscience technology uses gentle alternating micro-vibrations to help users return to a restful sleep state within seconds. And with so much riding on online ratings, improving the quality of a peaceful night’s sleep is big on the back of traveler reviews.

What Hospitality Leaders Can Do

What goes into a successful vacation and repeat loyal customers? The coveted five-star rating depends on many factors, most notably the ultimate brand awareness that helps create lasting happy memories.

Just as Disney and Princess Cruise Lines use Disney Magic Bands and Medallion Bands as branding initiatives, sending travelers home with TouchPoints not only to manage stress, but also to remind travelers of their overall safety as part of the entire guest experience. It has been prioritized.

Source: Northern Arizona UniversitySource: Northern Arizona University
Source: Northern Arizona University

There’s no doubt about it: travel is back — but it comes with a unique set of stressors. Embracing technological advancements will positively impact the safety of one of the hospitality industry’s most important customer segments: the vacationing guest by sky, rail, road and sea for the first time in years.

TouchPoints can be a Healthcare-mets-Hospitality (H2H) solution. For more information, please visit

* Acknowledgment: This research paper was sponsored by Glomed Education website.

Fred DeMico
Northern Arizona University


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