Outside the shelf, a marketplace for young fashion entrepreneurs


Originally posted Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute.

Susma Gurung is turning her frustrations into a business opportunity in the fashion industry.

She is a fashion entrepreneur at the University of Utah, and knows how to sell and sell something new.

Off the Rack created a marketplace for self-help and many young fashion entrepreneurs like her to gather and sell their products and promote themselves. Off the Rack Marketplace events are currently hosted on the Utah campus, and Gurung hopes to grow and host off-campus events.

At the Off The Rack event, three women smiled at the camera.

Photo Credit Dead Provided by Lassonde Entrepreneurship Institute

Susma Gurung (center), founder of Off the Rack and two friends at a party.

“What I see on the rack is growing beyond Utah.”

As part of the local fashion community, Gurung has seen an increase in young fashion entrepreneurs. When she saw the increase, she saw an opportunity to start off the shelf.

Gurung has used a variety of resources to grow from Rick and other startups, including the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute.

The overall goal outside of Rack is to encourage people to be sustainable and ethical, and we are supporting young fashion entrepreneurs in our community. Gurung wants to highlight the voices of young fashion entrepreneurs and their creativity, provide them with a platform and opportunity to be recognized for their creative work, and create a community where they can learn, encourage and encourage each other.A student wears a camera and smiles. "Don't panic" A T-shirt with clothes on the back of the table.

“We have a lot of talent, skills and determination, but we don’t have enough platform to show that,” Gurung said, and she hopes Off the Rack will change that.

“The goal is not to make things perfect,” she said. “The goal is to hold them accountable if they do not make the effort and take action to implement sustainable policies in their businesses.”

Young student entrepreneurs are more likely to be affected by unsustainable business policies, Gurung said. She wants to help them use their power to change the trends of sustainability.

Visit the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute events calendar to see upcoming upcoming off the Rack events lassonde.utah.edu/calendar.


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