Microsoft now lets you change the personality of your Bing chatbot to make it more fun


Tech behemoth Microsoft has added a new feature to its Bing chatbot that lets you switch between different tones for responses. According to the new update, there are three options for AI-powered chatbot responses: creative, balanced and accurate. The creative mode includes answers that are “original and imaginative”, but the correct mode expects accuracy and relevance for more realistic and concise answers.

Credits – Microsoft
Tech behemoth Microsoft has added a new feature to its Bing chatbot that lets you switch between different tones for responses. According to the new update, there are three options for AI-powered chatbot responses: creative, balanced and accurate.

Microsoft has set the Bing chatbot’s default to balanced mode, which it hopes will strike a balance between accuracy and creativity. Now, these new chat modes are rolling out to all Bing AI users, and about 90 percent of users should already see them.

The new modes should be able to help deal with the wild outbursts that were initially seen with the Bing AI chatbot. In recent days, Microsoft was quick to add some tighter restrictions on Bing AI after a lot of backlash on Twitter and Reddit.

Some of these restrictions made Bing Chat feel unresponsive, with the chatbot simply denying many of the questions it confidently answered before Microsoft took action. Microsoft has fixed most of the unresponsive issues due to a new update applied to the Bing chat service earlier this week.

According to Mikhail Parakin, the update includes a “significant reduction in cases where Bing refuses to answer without reason,” Microsoft’s head of web services. It’s also supposed to “reduce nightmare situations in responses”, so hopefully the Bing chatbot will generate less wild responses.

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella and OpenAI CEO Sam Altman at the Microsoft campus in Redmond, Wash., on July 15, 2019 (Photo by Scott Eklud/Red Box Pictures)

Microsoft also this week added a shortcut to the Bing chatbot to the Windows 11 taskbar and integrated Quick Access into the Windows Search feature. About a million people are now testing the new Bing preview in 169 countries, and Microsoft recently opened up the preview to mobile users and included it in Skype chats.


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