Green Tech to be seen in 2023


From transparent solar panels to integrated energy solutions, a lot of time, talent, and money is going into developing more sustainable technologies. We’ve put together a list of some of the ones to watch out for in 2023.

Let’s start the list with the main green energy source, the sun.

Solar energy has long been considered a major renewable, and is considered competitive with traditional energy sources, but it comes with two caveats. After all, the sun doesn’t always shine. And even when they do, most commercial solar panels are not as efficient as wind turbines.

That said, efforts are underway to find new ways to manufacture, implement, and deploy solar panels that will allow them to meet a larger portion of our energy needs.

One of the most amazing advances in solar I’ve ever seen is the dawn of transparent solar panels that can be applied like films to windows or other surfaces to collect energy. two Companies are pushing this technology forward: Universal Energy and Solar Windows.


Translucent solar panels in every window.

universal energy

Both tend to partner with other businesses rather than sell directly to consumers. If you’re looking to install some new windows in your home or office, clear solar panels can be offered as an upgrade option or as an add-on for your car.

If we talk about cars, some electric vehicles will start to include the norm Solar panels as a key feature. Every solar EV I know of still needs to be plugged in to charge for long trips, but depending on your car, you may be able to make short trips of up to 40 miles a day on solar power alone. Where do you park, and what kind of solar package does it have?

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The Aptera Solar EV is on its way.

Jesse Orrall/CNET

A handful of solar powered cars I’ve come across include the Aptera, Sono Scion and Light Year 0. Engineer to make it easy to maximize the benefits of solar installed.

Capturing the sun’s energy is one thing, but there are also people trying to replicate the sun’s energy here on Earth. I’m talking about fusion energy, which seeks to fuse elements together to generate energy, similar to the reactions that occur in our star’s massive celestial furnace.


Animation showing integration at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Recently, a discovery at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory has occurred in which a fusion reaction generates slightly more energy than was used to start it, something that has never been done before.

That said, fusion reactors still have a long way to go. To be a viable energy source, they need to be able to generate ten times the input power, which is probably still years away. But with massive fusion projects on the horizon, like ITER, there’s a lot to see in this space.

While Solar and Fusion aim to harness solar power, other energy technology companies are moving closer to home, the ocean.

The Wave Swell Energy artificial wind recently completed a year of testing off the coast of Australia’s King Island. Inspired by a natural wind tunnel, the UniWave200 directs waves into the central chamber, compresses air, spins a turbine and sends power to the grid. Wave Swell Energy is still improving its artificial intelligence and trying to make it more reliable and affordable.


Uniwave200 collects wave energy from King Island, Australia.

Wave Swell Energy

Another company, Eco Wave Power, is developing man-made structures in the ocean to generate wave energy. Their floats are placed on the ground, the waves push them up, creating fluid pressure in the system, which turns the generator and sends electricity to the grid through an inverter.


Blue floats from Eco Wave Energy convert the rise and fall of waves into electrical energy.

Echo wave energy

The system is designed to automatically detect incoming storms so that they can raise the floats out of the water until the bad weather passes and prevent damage. The company has installed floats in the port of Gibraltar and Jaffa in Tel Aviv, Israel, and is working on another installation in Los Angeles, which is expected to begin this year.

Efforts are also being made to harvest underwater wave energy. A company called AWS Energy has deployed the Archimedes Wavewing, a giant underwater float that sits underground and is attached to the ocean floor. As it moves up and down with the tide, a generator converts that motion into electricity.


Archimedes Wavering is placed below the ocean floor.

AWS Energy

To see all these technologies in action, watch the video included in this article.


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