Doctor smartphone? New technology allows passive remote control of diseases


“We believe that much of the information that can tell us something about your mental, physical, or emotional state is hidden in the way we interact with technology,” says the Neurocast website.

“Our mission [is] To transform everyday digital interactions into clinically acceptable results, allowing doctors and researchers to sensitively measure the performance of individuals in everyday life. With our technology, this is completely seamless, with privacy built into the design and making it possible for everyone to join.

Three versions, each targeting a specific sector

The innovation platform comes in three versions: Neurocast for Pharmacy, Neurocast for Care and Healing, and Neurocast for Researchers.

The former can be used to measure primary and secondary clinical endpoints in clinical trials. The second provides data on real-world situations so doctors can monitor their patients and proactively respond to changes in conditions.

Doctor smartphone?  New technology allows passive remote control of diseases

A representation of smartphone surveillance.

Finally, the third aims to promote research initiatives.

To achieve all this, Neurocast started with the smartphone as the most widely used device.

“We started with the most used device, the smartphone, meanwhile we added other devices that are invisible in our daily life, such as computers and smart watches,” the web portal said.

Neurocast not only collects keystroke dynamics data through sensors, health and e-PROM data, but most importantly we develop algorithms that put our real-world data into context and correlate it to the gold standards used by researchers around the world.


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