Daily Crunch: GitHub CEO Says New Code Completion Tool Will ‘Put The Joy Back Into Programming’


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Welcome to Humpday Crunch!

Today we mourn the passing of Aloria on Sunday. Lorenzo He reported. She was a veteran of the cybersecurity community, particularly in New York, her home for many years. The Twitter account of the New York City security conference Summercon announced her death on Monday, prompting a seemingly endless list of people to publicly mourn her loss and pay tribute to her life.

Christine And came

TechCrunch’s Top 3

  • X marks the spotGitHub launched the Copilot X initiative today Frederick Reports is an extension of the work on the popular Copilot code completion tool, which was originally previewed in 2021. The tool adds chat mode and more.
  • Should you return your investment?If you’re a struggling founder who has taken some venture capital but can’t find product-market fit, is there a “good way out”? That is the question. Connie He takes it to investor Gokul Rajaram, who talks about the idea of ​​closing shop and returning some funding.
  • A night at the AI ​​Opera: Opera brings the joy of AI into the ChatGPT and AI Summarization features, which allow you to generate AI prompts by highlighting or typing text on a web page. Ivan It has more.

Startups and VCs

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration concluded a premarket review of the manufacturing process for Eat Just, the meat division of Smart Meat, and the agency concluded this week that it had “no question.” Christine Reports.

Early stage founders need mentorship and support to build a successful startup, and the conventional wisdom is, “Get into an incubator or accelerator!” He says. However, the two programs are not interchangeable—they serve very different purposes—and there are nearly 500 accelerators and 1,400 incubators in the US alone. At our early stage event in Boston on April 20th, we’ll delve deeper into this topic and many others. Come join us!

And we have five more for you:

3 tips for crypto startups to prepare for future compliance

Number 1 2 3 on the connected puzzle pieces.  3 tips for crypto startups to prepare for future compliance

Image Credits: Sorry (Opens in a new window) / Getty Images

Most startups can avoid getting into the weeds on legal issues before launching, but crypto companies are in a different boat. Faced with a tangle of state and federal laws, insufficient compliance can quickly create regulatory problems and undermine customer confidence.

In a TC+ post written by three lawyers from law firm Norton Rose Fulbright USLLP, the authors share basic information that is important to any crypto startup operating in the US.

“By establishing a robust, risk-based compliance function… and following the latest regulatory guidance, cryptocurrency companies can better position themselves to weather the crypto winter,” they write.

Three more from the TC+ team:

TechCrunch+ Our membership program helps founders and startup teams stay ahead of the pack. You can register here.. Use code “DC” for 15% off annual subscription!

Big Tech Inc.

Zach It continues to monitor and hear from compromised organizations about what’s going on with the security flaw in Fortra’s GoAnywhere software. The Russian-based Klopp group claims that 130 organizations are victims, but less than half have been disclosed. So stay tuned for more developments.

Meanwhile, payment processing service Checkout.com is giving its customers a treat: It’s launched customizable virtual and physical cards. Roman He writes that this new feature, called Eusing, represents a business opportunity for fintech companies. When someone pays with a card, the card transaction fee is split between the merchant bank, the card plan (Visa or MasterCard, for example) and the card issuer (Checkout.com in this case).”

And we have five more for you:

Actually, we have one more! Here’s a late-breaking story: Indeed, the job listings platform has announced layoffs of 2,200 employees. Amanda Reports.


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