Business leaders on school boards? Only if you invest.


Governor Jared Polis said in a recent speech that business leaders should run for school board elections. This reinforces the need for greater corporate involvement in public schools to respond to what school districts’ businesses need from the next generation of the workforce.

But participation—especially at this level of policymaking—requires more than sitting on school board seats. It means acknowledging the fundamental role public education plays in our society and creating the community engagement needed to fulfill that role.

We, the people, are responsible for our schools. While school districts must ensure that the infrastructure is in place for quality learning, the larger community must ensure that the necessary supports are in place for students to achieve them.

So let’s make three points clear:

First, public education should serve society, and not just certain sectors.

Our city is strong for every student who is ready to lead a successful life. We need students who work for – and support – a just, democratic and civil society. Fortunately, corporate partnerships with school districts to create more accessible career readiness programs are on the rise, giving students early exposure to a variety of career options.

For example, FirstBank’s intern program gives high school students an understanding of what it’s like to work and the skills needed to succeed – in finance and banking. Janus Henderson’s financial education programs empower students and families to understand the benefits of savings and the impact of compound interest. Programs like these demonstrate the positive impact that the private sector can have on a student’s future.

Public education is not the only key for underserved families to break out of the cycle of poverty. It is key to pave the way for civil and public participation in identifying community challenges and creating effective dialogue to find solutions.

Second, high-performing schools require partnerships between the district and the community, including the corporate sector.

Schools have an academic mission, but learning is a societal responsibility. Children now face a myriad of challenges that impact learning and employability upon graduation that are more than just an aptitude test. We call on schools to address issues such as social and emotional well-being, food security and safety without the appropriate funding and resources to effectively and sustainably address these issues.

Some businesses have sprung up to support these needs. UnitedHealthcare, for example, invests heavily in food security and HealthOne invests in mental health resources. However, many schools do not have the resources to provide such opportunities, despite efforts by parents, PTAs and neighborhood groups to provide additional support to schools.

While the DPS Foundation provides classroom grants to teachers from A to Z funds, teachers still report spending their own money to purchase school supplies or subsidize field trips. This is not a permanent solution and we need intensive support for school-wide and district-wide improvement. We expect a lot from our education system but invest little in making it work well. We expect filet magno, but we only want to pay for the chicken.

Third, supporting the needs of the whole child and producing work-ready youth requires a community-wide commitment.

Students spend less than a third of their waking hours in our classrooms. They spend most of their time in the community. There is much opportunity for private-public partnerships in the out-of-school period.

For example, Chevron offers summer and after-school STEM programs that expose students to robotics, computer coding and environmental studies. The VF Foundation provides after-school and summer program support, and IMA funds support arts programs as well as after-school activities in the region. Our cities, governments, schools, businesses and communities must ensure that significant investment is made in our teachers and students and that quality education is a shared culture inside and outside the classroom.

Our students and communities thrive when we come together and invest in resources and solutions for our schools. When the community, including our business leaders, takes an active role in supporting our students, it allows teachers to focus on their teaching mission, leading to positive student growth outcomes and higher levels of school performance.

We desperately need businesses to participate in our public education system, but we ask ourselves, “What to do?” Let’s ask. Before thinking that we have solved the problems. Otherwise, we are just stuck in a discourse where the “seats” are filled but no one stands up and takes action.


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