Big Tech’s Cost-Cutting AI Ethics, Trust and Safety; Does Netflix Anti-Password Sharing Work?


Comedy: A Brief History of Search

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Who needs faith and security?

Big Tech companies are eliminating thousands of positions.

The layoffs mostly affected the trust and safety and AI ethics groups; CNBC Reports.

Meta in 2010 It has announced plans to cut 21,000 jobs by 2023. As part of those cuts, it disbanded a team that was building a tool for third-party fact-checkers to add comments that flag misleading articles shared on the platform. The project was discontinued.

Meta also laid off 200 content moderators, 16 members of Instagram’s security team, and more than 100 employees over the platform’s integrity.

Meanwhile, Google has cut a third of its allocation to fighting misinformation, extremism and censorship.

Twitter’s Ethical A.I. The team was reduced from 17 to just one member, leaving 15 percent of the trust and safety unit.

Amazon also downsized its ethical AI team and cut 50 positions dedicated to detecting abusive and illegal behavior on streaming platform Twitch.

Microsoft has cut all 30 members of its Ethics and Society team.


These reductions will do little to alleviate advertisers’ concerns about misinformation spreading online as artificial AI and deep lies become mainstream.


Did Netflix really consider this anti-password sharing?

Despite the initial sluggish response to the stream, the testing process expects to build revenue in the long term. But Netflix isn’t accounting for subscribers who prefer to downsize rather than cancel their plans. Verge Reports.

Netflix’s Premium and Standard plans allow multiple user devices to stream content simultaneously. Subscribers who don’t want to pay extra can reduce their plans to share their accounts with people outside of their household because they no longer need multiple streams at the same time.

Specifically, these subscribers may downgrade to the ad-free Basic plan, which ultimately lowers Netflix’s average revenue per user (ARPU), an important metric for on-demand streaming services. Ensure profitability.

Analyst and consultant Paul Erickson said the industry is watching Netflix closely as the decision to allow password sharing could create “industry regulation.” If Netflix is ​​monetizing account sharing, why shouldn’t everyone else?

But to maintain ARPU, anti-account sharing needs to get subscribers into ad-supported tiers (which is Netflix). Trying to do).

Ring, ring

Dish Network is in talks to sell its wireless mobile service through Amazon. WSJ Reports.

A satellite TV company is developing 5G technology and cell towers to create a wireless network. He also got a leg up by buying a dish. Disrupted customer accounts After acquiring Sprint from T-Mobile.

Dish Wireless currently has approximately 8 million accounts, which pales in comparison to T-Mobile’s 100 million accounts and Verizon’s 140 million. A distribution deal with Amazon is a marketing opportunity that will help Dish become a competitive player in the space.

Amazon also wants a strong foothold in the mobile space. The e-commerce giant This shows how difficult it is to take on the authorities in the mobile sphere.

There is no guarantee that Dish and Amazon will complete the deal. Dish must prove both 5G technologies work on Apple’s iPhone and complete government-mandated network coverage by June before this partnership has a chance.

But wait, there’s more!

Actually, the beginning Giving free TVsAnnounces distribution deal with DirecTV. [Insider]

Outfront brings programmatic ads to the NYC subway. [Adweek]

Netflix is ​​taking the necessary risks to deal with its 100 million free downloaders. [Financial Times]

YouTube is shutting down YouTube Stories. [The Verge]

Publishers big and small are pouring their resources into first-party data. [Digiday]

You are hired!

Fetch has hired Robin Wheeler as chief revenue officer and Jeff Lau as SVP of partnerships and go-to-market operations. [release]


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