All that JAS celebrates 20 years of business.


It’s still business as usual for Michael Grebial, owner of All That JAS in downtown Elon, but no more. As she celebrates 20 years in business, she is also preparing to celebrate her upcoming retirement.

“To tell you the truth, it went in a flash,” Graybell said.

Since opening, the store has moved locations three times and changed its entire inventory. JAS started in Greybeal’s basement before moving to downtown Burlington. He moved to the Fouquet House on East Trollinger Street before finding his closest home in the downtown Elon area, where he stayed for more than 10 years.

The idea for the name came from the original place, which used to sell fancy dress. The women who worked there encouraged Graybell to start making sorority dresses.

“’Okay, what are we going to call it?’ We said. Because my cheering company was jumping and screaming – JAS, says Graybell. “So we were like, ‘Okay, you know, jewelry, accessories, shirts could mean joining a sorority. That’s all it can be, so we’re done with all that JAS.

Graybell said she wants to retire so she can spend more time in High Point with her four grandchildren and family. But she didn’t have to look far to find her replacement. The new owner is Caitlin Brooks, a family friend and former employee of Greybell’s. The two met last year through family and friends.

“I wanted to go back to my hometown,” Brooks said. “I wanted to be part of the community. I wanted to be involved at this level, so it’s very different from what I’ve been doing before.

Growing up, Brooks lived around the corner from Graybell. She went to high school with Graybell’s son and worked at All That JAS when she came home for college break. Brooks, a former attorney who practiced criminal law, recently moved to Elon from Apex, North Carolina. She wanted to pursue a career that suited her family, and gave her plenty of time to do tasks like picking up her children from school each day.

One of Brooks’ first tasks was to renovate the store. From new paint and shelving to new registers and accessories, Brooks is making the gift and clothing store her own. Graybell Brooks said she was excited to replace the yellow walls in the store. It’s something Graybell has wanted to do for years.

“I feel like we still have great things to offer, but I wanted someone to continue what we’ve done for 20 years and take it to the next level,” Graybel said. “I think Caitlin is definitely that person.”

Brooks says some of her most popular products in the store right now are her colorful bags with customizable plates and her selection of earrings. Customers can choose letters, symbols or emojis to make it their own.

“It’s a lot more fun and exciting than what I’ve been doing before,” Brooks said. “I think it fits my personality. I’m really excited to be a part of the community.”

Being a small business owner allows Brooks to still work at a fast pace, but not as high-stress as she once did. Making samples for display cases is how Brooks likes to show customers what’s possible.

All employees will remain on staff at All That JAS during and after the transfer of ownership. Brooks said she loves getting to know them so far. According to Graybell, most of the employees have been with her for at least 10 years. There is no retirement date for Graybell, and she said she’s always thinking of new tips and things to remember Brooks for.

“Every moment of the day, there’s 20 years worth of stuff going on in this mind,” Graybel said.

Grebial said an Elon intern worked with his staff this summer to develop a manual that outlines inventory, accounting, customer service and other departments so all employees know how to do each other’s jobs.

“Anyway, I have to keep doing something every day, so it’s great to be able to continue to be here and help,” Graybel said.

Ellis Chandler | Elon News Network

The front of all that JAS was decorated with multi-colored balloons to welcome students back to the campus. The gift and apparel store is celebrating 20 years in business.

One of the aspects of small business that Graybeal misses most is the ability to quickly jump on evolving trends. About 90% of their business was embroidered letter shirts for sororities and fraternities, but now nobody knows what an embroidered letter shirt is.

“When you’re a small business, it’s exciting to be able to change what you can do in an instant,” Graybel said. “You wear a million hats and you have to learn to do all these different things.”

As the new school year and new recruiting season begin, Graybeal encourages students and community members to come into the store to support Brooks and see the changes. Regardless of academic year, Greek affiliation or age, she said there is something for everyone.

Graybeal said she and her staff interact with student workers and community members, and said she will continue to do so after she retires.

“We see what they’ve done to their lives and their children,” Graybell said. “I mean 20 years, these kids have kids going to high school, some of them, and it’s really interesting to see where my people have gotten and what jobs they’ve done and what their lives are like. Like me.”


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