African Fashion, Literature and 7.47%…. What to look for in July



African Perspective

The Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A) in London offers a great backdrop for African fashion. From July 2, 2022 to April 16, 2023, the African Fashion Exhibition will show the versatility and diversity of the African fashion industry.

From the mid-twentieth century to the present day, Moroccan designer Naima Benis (1940-2008) is one of the highlights of the 2014 costumes designed by Kofi Ansah for Ashley Shaw-Scott and David Adjaye’s wedding. Examples of Nigeria’s famous Indigo-painted fabric, adire.

According to V&A, the exhibition aims to present African fashion as “an expression of the richness and diversity of African history and culture.” The show brings not only individual designers but also statistical, team and fashion photographers work. Global digitalisation aims to understand how fast the growing industry is expanding.

Christine Cessinska, designer and fashion historian, is behind the ‘African fashion’. In a blog post promoting the exhibition, she said: ‘Fashion history is an art form that expresses itself. A type of movement culture that includes attitudes, movements, and style beyond individual clothing.

Oil and gas

On July 1, the state-owned Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) became fully regulated.

This is part of a process of reform to improve the oil and gas sector, which was finally signed in 2021.


The multi-award winner Okparanta slipper, Author of Under the Udala trees, For the second time in her life, she had white skin. After traveling to Tanzania, Harry Silvester BirdEdward, Pennsylvania, was outraged by racism in the United States. But when he falls for a Nigerian woman, he is forced to take a closer look at himself. “In.” [Okparanta’s] It’s a hand, a joke, a tool and a salvation, ”said another writer, Tyrie Jones.

Harper Collins

Honey and spices as if Bolo BalolaFamous British-Nigerian author Love in color, It is a new novel about the perceptions we have about the experiences of two university students and the love that some people have for each other.

Harper Collins


Ghana will get more vaccines.

Construction of Ghana’s first CV-19 vaccine factory is set to begin in July. The project will be led by German biotech and the local company DEKS Vaccine. The Ghanaian government has invested $ 25 million in the plant, and the German Development Corporation has invested $ 5 million. The German company Glat is responsible for leading the first phase of the factory.

The factory will be a ‘fill and complete’ station for the processing and packaging of MRI vaccines. The vaccines are distributed in Ghana and the provinces. The main building will be 7,000 square meters, and at full capacity, the plant will have to fill at least 100m doses per year.

The government’s goal is to start production in January 2024, the first step in making the country self-sufficient in vaccine production in the next 10 years. The comprehensive plan includes supporting the private sector and creating a national immunization facility. Biotech is also planning to export modular MR manufacturing facilities to Africa so that countries can produce their own end-to-end production.


‘Covid-19 has created a historic opportunity to build a new public health system across the continent. Together, we can build health systems and production capacity to respond effectively to many health threats. ‘

John Nkangasong, director of the African Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said the African Union will be upgraded to the Public Health Agency in July.


Diallan Nyager, managing director of Diagio Great Britain, will join the company’s executive committee and become president of Dijao Africa in July. His previous work at the brewery included international travel retailers.



South Africa’s energy regulator plans to raise another price of electricity in July, which will increase the tariff for municipal customers by 7.47%.

Separately, Eskom approved a 9.6% tariff increase for Escom customers in April to support state services.


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