We don’t think we like ‘replacement’ stolen-wealth fashion




There are many things you can say about Chile’s traditional (white) elite: they can be classist, racist, conservative, name-calling, reactionary, bitter, intellectually lazy, uncurious, cowardly, cold, endogamous, boring, and dour-like ( in Latin. American standards) and did not make a single significant contribution to Chilean culture (except as prohibited). But one thing you can’t call them is rudeness or shouting about their wealth. They take pride, in fact, in the “sensible” ways they go about their disposable income compared to the vastly superior elites in the rest of the continent. Thrift and decency are the ultimate signs of power, and any marginalization of wealth is a major faux pas, or at least a pretense of wealth seen by each succeeding generation. And by austerity and modesty, I mean you can reach a puritanical level of anxiety about showing off. As such, we are still talking about Latin American standards. And by austere and sober, I mean something really boring, oppressive, and colorful and lively. And because of their cultural elite’s downward spiral, Chile can sometimes seem like a country painted in pastels, deep blues, browns, grays, silvers, and every shade of white. But the traditionalists say this is what makes us so stable, serious and successful. They conveniently leave out the fact that their austerity has less to do with Catholics being Protestant and that Chile has been poor for most of our history. Just like that, the elites were poor as hell, poor compared to Peru, poor compared to Mexicans, poor compared to Brazilians, and poor compared to Argentines, we are always comparing ourselves.

Things have changed a lot when Chile quickly went from South America-poor to Europe-poor, but the mentality remains. Now they change Benzes every year and of course Porsches, but only in black or gray, the lawyers agree with the box pieces, and color and variety are still the realm of the new rich or queer… or the arts, left relatives, but they are the same for them. Throughout our history, the elites have funded many outliers and many beautiful, middle-class people who have either moved in or left them in disrepute. Constant growth. If you’re in the capital city of Santiago, you’ll notice how many Parisian-style buildings you can find now as shabby hotels and auto-repair workshops. All that being said, Chile’s traditional elite were pioneers in one thing: perhaps more than any other elite in the world, they embodied the fashion for hidden wealth. Their ethics is defined as beauty. As it is, traditional country clothes come in two versions: for peasants and “beautiful”.

And I hate everything about it. Chile’s traditional elite’s claims to Stealth Wealth and good taste are a myth that confuses their lack of creativity with luxury. In fact, the beauty of hidden wealth is based on a timeless taste.

The combination must be added, and the clicks must be collected, and with Success Going out in style, SEO buzzwords of the moment are Stealth Wealth. If you google it, you’ll find plenty of uncritical articles dissecting the characters’ wardrobe choices, including bits from the BBC, which glorify the underclass of the super-rich. In just a few weeks, the hive mind of the internet has attempted to make the hidden wealth fad a reality. Success They were right. Euphoria For the adults (don’t even think about it!), trying to make the series points with the point costume choices is missing the point. And of course, there are themes and plots. We shouldn’t be surprised that Tom Ford jackets, gray Maison Margiela t-shirts and Loro Piana baseball caps cost us in the high three figures to four figures, because their clothes are meant to convey that these guys are the whole thing. Oppressed and sad. These are not the only clothes worn by people who can enjoy themselves. These are not always the clothes of people who hide something about themselves from others. These clothes are not meant to be flattering, idiosyncratic, or just… cute. They are not ugly; They are expensive and well designed, but lack style and expression. They are earthly clothes for people who don’t care to stand in the most beautiful places in the world. They are serious clothes for people without a sense of humor. Those who think too highly of themselves to even consider those two things are too full of lost hopes and dreams to mention the burning of Roman Tom. For God’s sake, it’s this fad that makes someone like Sarah Snook unattractive. Almost. And the series is a testament to the stellar work done by the wardrobe department.

I was inspired to write this after reading a wonderful article by Leticia Garcia. The countryUnder the title “In the Face of Hidden Wealth,” she pointed out the hypocrisy of the super-rich’s obsession with always moving the goalposts, creating ever more complex codes and devious paths. Plebeian ambitions. As technology democratizes fashion, the only way to distinguish yourself is by dressing like a middle-class student, but the price tags of the items are higher than the median plebeian’s full wardrobe, which only other people like you can identify with. But to complete the illusion, you need to wear the clothes with something off the rack other than H&M, like just a shirt, just a sweater, just a few pants. According to Garcia:

Still, it’s one thing to aspire to luxury, in any way shape or form, and it’s another thing entirely to aspire to hidden wealth. There is nothing attractive about idle spending, empty and supported by various arguments. It is described as “Less difficult than Minimalism but more refined than Normcore Vogue. It doesn’t retain the austere, almost monastic aesthetic of the past, but it’s indistinguishable from the norm if it weren’t for the fact that it’s tailored with silk, cashmere and Egyptian cotton. The main thing is to pay for something that 99% of the population cannot afford, and the cost depends on the rarity and cost of the item.

Materials and, surprisingly, the type of labor involved. Paradoxically, by undermining workers’ rights and wages, the wealthy demand luxury goods produced by well-paid, first-world, highly skilled, perhaps unionized workers.

But there’s one more thing that makes Stealth Wealth a beautiful reflection of the moral and creative emptiness of the global elite, and that’s something. Success It shows the way that wisdom should be deliberate. When you think of major aesthetic changes, especially the artistic revolutions that have positively impacted the fashion world, who always pushes the charge forward?

It’s always queer people, black people, and/or people of color.

Almost no people in the places where the characters live Success, and for that matter, many scholars of the world, whether in the first world or in South America. Hidden wealth, ultimately, is just another way whiteness asserts itself as the default standard of beauty. But that should have been obvious when you looked at the color palette of their jajaras.

Alberto Cox is grateful every day for his colorful selection of sweaters. He also insists that Leticia García’s article should be translated and he only knows the man.

Image Sources (in order of posting) HBO Entertainment, Gary Sanchez Productions


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