Does technology create or solve digital privacy concerns and threats?


By Shalu Jaswal

The digital world we live in has never been bigger and more influential. Many basic tasks and functions have moved online. IoT products dominate by providing both flexibility and user-friendliness. As a result, that creates more and more information about users and their activities. So, we rely on technology for many daily tasks, from buying bus tickets to switching on smart LED lights.

Therefore, we see many threats to user privacy when using the various technology solutions available today. In many ways, the technology raises certain concerns, such as whether smart assistants store data and can be misused by companies. On the other hand, we see more and more products that try to repair the pores created in different ways. Let’s discuss this amazing phenomenon.

Advantages of modern technology solutions

There is no doubt that technology brings many benefits in our lives. Let’s discuss some of the most influential benefits.


Online learning platforms are one of the most significant advantages of Internet access. Many large companies have sponsored or directly created learning opportunities for students around the world. The pandemic ended when most educational institutions were closed, and a study-from-home mandate was implemented in many countries.

Healthy social relationships

Social media is a great tool to connect with people from different cultural and geographic backgrounds. Different communication methods help to build relationships, measurement methods control users.

Personalized experiences

The online world can look different to every visitor. Because a lot of effort is put into providing the most relevant and useful content. While users appreciate it, personalizing online content also poses risks.

Helping small businesses

Online marketing levels the marketing field, giving businesses a fair chance to grow their customer base organically. Of course, paid methods are often more effective, but the ‘sponsored’ tag next to them ensures that customers make their own choices.

Digital privacy concerns for customers

While the growth of big technology is primarily thought to be beneficial, it does not come without obstacles.

Invasive monitoring procedures

Every digital technology that people embrace in their daily lives opens a new gateway to the violation of their privacy. Companies like Amazon and Uber have been caught tracking their customers without their consent, like AI voice assistants recording conversations or an app on your phone tracking your location via GPS.

Users do not know what happens to their data

One of the biggest concerns for consumers online is not knowing how their information is being used by companies. Privacy policies should disclose such information. However, businesses can use vague language without mentioning information sharing methods with third parties. Unfortunately, users cannot find out who these partners are. As a result, users may receive random marketing letters from companies they do not know about their relationship with their consent.

Data broker through third party access

Not every organization can operate profitably without outsourcing some essential functions to third-party service providers and government agencies. However, in doing so, you may compromise the privacy of your user base.

How technology is trying to improve digital privacy

Many technology solutions have taken a more privacy-focused approach. For example, users can now access more secure instant messaging apps, email providers, browsers, and more. Therefore, technology providers see the market for such software. However, despite such options, it is difficult to give up old habits.

Reducing risks to digital privacy

While digital privacy risks are widespread and persistent, a few simple steps can help mitigate them. These may include the following methods.

More understanding of the products you use

Not all software users choose will be the best in terms of privacy. The important part here is that users need to know who they are dealing with. For example, using Google services is very useful. However, you need to know how to tame it. You can disable certain access rights, block third-party cookies on Chrome, and find other ways to make it more personal.

Increasing accountability through regulations

Private companies will only evolve if they are punished for their irresponsible actions. You can encourage your local representatives to support laws that make companies more accountable and have greater consequences for violating consumer trust.

Awareness of data privacy

Users need a better understanding of how our data is stored and the methods we use to keep it confidential. It means not only more transparency from enterprises, but also tracking information with related news.

Use privacy-first solutions

Many technological solutions have entered the market to improve digital security and privacy of users. For example, ad blockers are simple examples of blocking pop-ups and other advertisements from appearing on your screen.

While users can use such software to reduce the number of ads, it can also prevent them from encountering malicious apps. Virtual private networks are other examples of enhancing users’ online experiences.

A VPN is an application that encrypts internet traffic and hides IP addresses. Therefore, downloading a VPN can combat certain online tracking mechanisms, such as IP-based tracking.

So, find out about such products and how they can help your digital journey.


Therefore, modern technology is a powerful tool to help various goals. For example, sophisticated algorithms and techniques can help with online monitoring. However, some technological solutions are here to protect users and give them options. Therefore, you have the right to access technology that suits your needs and ask questions about how your data is handled online.

About the author

Shalu is a technology enthusiast and business development consultant with experience creating growth-based strategies and solutions to improve operational efficiency and increase profitability. As a strategic marketing consultant, she emphasizes data-driven insights and measurable results.


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