The Blue Jacket Fashion Show returns for prostate cancer awareness


The seventh annual Blue Jacket Fashion Week runway show made a special contribution to the detection, treatment and eradication of prostate cancer, especially among black men.

Founded by fashion designer Frederic Anderson and marketer Laura Miller, the New York City scene brings together individuals from industries such as fashion, sports, healthcare, and entertainment who need resources and support for prostate cancer, racial diversity, and underserved communities.

Janssen Pharmaceuticals sponsored the show in partnership with Zero, a non-profit group that aims to fight prostate cancer, the second leading cause of death among men. Black men in particular are 1.8 times more likely to develop prostate cancer and 2.2 times more likely to die from the disease, according to the Zero website.

Famous models strutting their stuff in blue boats this year include CNN TV host Don Lemon, scientist and TV show host Bill Nye, chef Marcus Samuelsson and actors Mario Cantone, London Brown, Eric West and Dominic Fumusa. Tyrone Brewer, president of Janssen’s US Oncology, also walked the runway. You can watch the runway show in the video at the top of this article, as well as on YouTube and (it starts at the 1:19 mark). Featured designers include Tommy Hilfiger, Carlo Campos and Bruno Maggi.

One in six black men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime, Beer noted in an Endpoints News article. He added that when treated early, men with prostate cancer have a 96 percent chance of survival.

Reggie Tucker-Seeley, vice president of Zero Health Equity, visited the airport last year to emphasize the importance of raising awareness of prostate cancer and addressing racial disparities in black men. Through the Black Men’s Prostate Cancer Initiative, Zero offers support groups, a film series for underserved communities, and a podcast curated by Tucker-Seeley.

“These efforts, along with the Blue Jacket Fashion Show, show that racial disparities in prostate cancer are unacceptable and that we must all work together to ensure that all men (especially black men) have a fair and equitable opportunity for screening and high-quality treatment and prostate cancer survival,” Tucker-Seeley said. He told Endpoints.

To read more about prostate cancer, click #prostatecancer or visit Cancer Health Basics on Prostate Cancer for more information. It reads in part:

What is prostate cancer?
Cancer occurs when cells grow out of control. Prostate cancer is typically a slow-growing cancer of the prostate gland, a walnut-sized organ located under the bladder and in front of the anus. But in some cases, the cancer can grow quickly and spread beyond the prostate, a process called metastasis.

What are the risk factors for prostate cancer?
The main risk factors for prostate cancer are genetics and family history. Studies looking at the relationship between prostate cancer and a diet high in red meat, chemical exposures including cigarette smoking, sexually transmitted infections, and having had a vasectomy have produced conflicting results.

What is prostate cancer screening?

Doctors mainly use two tests to screen for prostate cancer: the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test and the digital rectal exam (DRE), in which a finger is inserted into the anus to feel the prostate for swelling or inflammation.

Experts disagree on when prostate cancer screening should be performed. Because it usually grows slowly, most men with prostate cancer die from other causes and early treatment carries some risks. The American Cancer Society recommends that men at age 50 discuss the risks and benefits of screening with their doctor and make a personal decision. African American men with a family history of prostate cancer should start this conversation at 45 or 40 as early as possible.


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