Pro-Lite Int. Celebrating 40 years of surfing.


Notice 27

Courtesy of Pro-Lite

In the year In 2022, the brand that launched the surfboard travel bag category is 40 years old. With no signs of slowing down creatively, we took a moment to reflect on how far we’ve come in this 40+ year journey. 40 years of marriage is considered a “ruby” anniversary. So for the Ruby Anniversary, we tracked down Pro-Lite co-founder Dave Nielsen for a tour of the brand’s creation and evolution. An idea born out of necessity from two friends who work in an airline, trying to transport their boards safely around the world.

From our humble beginnings cutting foam templates and wooden boxes on North Shore, to hand sewing board bags in Costa Mesa, California to touring pros and average Joes. It’s our journey that created the category 40 years ago and still drives us to make the best surfboard bag.

Here is some of our history…….

Since 1982, he has been leading the journey at

About Pro-Lite Int

What a long strange journey it has been…

Pro-Lite was conceived in the minds of two traveling explorers, Bill Hapgood and Dave Nielsen. At the time, the couple worked for a major airline that traveled the world. Soon as they set out on their journey they realize one key thing is essential to continue their journey, they need to protect their surfboards.

In the year In 1982, Pro-Lit was born. Bill and Dave found industrial sewer pipes in Costa Mesa, CA and began manufacturing a limited line of surf backpacks. This put Pro-Lite on the map as the first bag manufacturer in the United States to make travel grade surf bags.

As the brand’s reputation as a quality travel bag manufacturer grew, surfers from the United States and around the world looked to Pro-Lite for gear to safely transport their surfboards to their destinations. Professional travelers from around the world have started using Pro-Lite travel bags as they travel the world on tour.

In the 90’s Pro-Lite expanded its product offering to include a full line of daypacks as well as saddles, traction pads and racks. This makes Pro-Lite the go-to brand for any products you use to enhance your surfing experience.

With new owners since 2005 and a renewed energy and vision to design and manufacture the world’s best sailing accessories, Pro-Lite’s evolution continues today. Still privately owned and operating out of Ventura, California, Pro-Lite continues to operate with 3 full-time employees who love to explore and are passionate about what they do. Pro-Lit’s key focus is quality and innovation, and it remains a travel company that continues to make travel-ready products to this day.

Safe travels….

Guided by the journey since 1982.


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