As digital tracking diminishes, companies are turning to online communities to reach customers directly – TechCrunch


As a rule and Platform policies make it more difficult to track people on the Internet, forcing companies to rethink how they understand and know their customers. How can you get a full understanding of their needs and wants if you can’t catch them in the dark?

The answer may lie in building or buying communities of individuals that align with your organization’s needs.

Many SaaS companies are operating, from big players like Salesforce and Hubspot to smaller startups who understand the power of building a community of interested individuals who can answer questions, act as evangelists, and give the company honest feedback about products and services. Services.

The rise of Slack and Discord is related to this trend because both make it easy to form a community for like-minded people to gather and chat online. It certainly takes some moderation to avoid tarnishing your brand with misinformation or harassment, but companies generally find this to be the price to pay for access to such an unlimited pool of customers and interested parties.

“Building a community is the most effective way to reach a customer and market to a customer because you can’t force what someone says about you in the community.” Bevy CEO Derek Anderson

We spoke to several industry experts to get their perspective on this phenomenon and what it means for SaaS companies as they look for growth opportunities in the changing privacy landscape.

Community minded

Many startups today are using communities as a way to generate interest and conversation in their early-stage companies, long before they’re monetized. While this is especially true for open source projects that are community-oriented in nature, any startup can benefit from having a group of people discussing its products and services.


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