5 habits to build a strong business and a more balanced life


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The secret to business success is simple: building good habits. But I know this is easier said than done.

Daniel Grizelj | Getty Images

As the leader of an internationally powered technology incubator, DMZ, I have worked with hundreds of early stage founders. Building a business is a big undertaking, and time and time again, I’ve seen entrepreneurs get so focused on the day-to-day needs that they forget to think strategically. Long-term success, however, requires thinking beyond the horizon—and implementing the right systems will help make room for that critical work.

For founders, this starts with prioritizing time management, networking and leading their teams. Small but powerful, these habits will be the foundation of your success.

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It was something I learned early on when I was in the infantry in the Canadian Armed Forces. As soon as the alarm goes off at 5:00 am, we are trained to jump up and make our beds. At first, it wasn’t immediately clear why such a simple task was so important in our daily lives, but I soon realized that small actions set the tone for the day. It helps to complete that first task, so you feel like you accomplished something, even if the rest of the day didn’t go according to plan. Even now, that’s how I look at good habits – they help you get into the right mindset for whatever comes next.

Here are five habits I recommend every entrepreneur implement in their own lives:

1. Plan your time effectively

All founders can fall into the trap of wanting to succeed more than anything else. But I’m trying to do everything. will do They lead to burning. You need to be ruthless with your schedule to make sure you have the time you need to do the most impactful work.

I suggest getting into the mindset of building “buckets” of time. I have seven or eight buckets that are most important to me: one for work, one for professional development, one for family, one for travel, one for exercise, and so on. Each one has a specific time for it, and when I focus on one, I try to be fully committed to it. Use your calendar and schedule for everything. And I mean it. Everything. It seems funny, but I’m closing time to think.

There is a lot of truth to the idea of ​​loving yourself first – it allows everything else to fall into place. The minute you start putting everyone before yourself, you dig yourself into a dark hole that’s hard to get out of. Love yourself enough to know what things to keep for you first – things that aren’t related to your business. Maybe this is waking up and meditating, going to the gym or going for a long walk. Regardless, what you do first thing in the morning should be something that puts you in a positive frame of mind and ready to attack the day.

Related: 7 Great Tips to Improve Time Management

2. Read the news

This is something that entrepreneurs often overlook, but it’s incredibly important. Staying informed about what’s going on in the world is about relevance – you need to be able to participate in discussions about how the markets work, economic issues and social issues. To be strategic about your business, you must be able to understand both macro and micro trends. Get in the habit of jumping on the news every morning to find out.

3. See more than work with your employee

My number one tip for being a good manager is to connect with people not just about their work, but about themselves. I’m a walk-in manager, in the sense that I talk to everyone as I move through the office (and I mean everyone, from the person who cleans the coffee machine to the people who run the program and everyone in the global partnerships). When managers actively listen to their people, it fosters better relationships, builds a better culture, and helps them feel more comfortable approaching you with important issues or the next great idea.

4. Network – the right way

Networking is another important habit – it opens doors, provides new ideas and inspires. Some people, of course, are better than others. For years I would go to three to four networking events a week, if not more, and when I got home I would feel completely exhausted. Instead of trying to be someone I’m not, I had to network more and learn how to be myself. Now, I’m very intentional about which events I attend, and I always have a clear idea of ​​three things: why I’m going, who I want to meet, and what points I want to talk about.

I put more energy into other forms of networking, including social media, where a strong presence opens up countless opportunities. I make a habit of regularly posting my views on various topics on LinkedIn. These posts inspire my followers to engage with these topics, which often leads to people asking to chat or inviting me to be a guest speaker. It increases wealth; To do this, of course, it takes time and energy, but it ends up opening new doors. It’s worth it just in terms of reach because you’re hitting thousands of people in seconds instead of talking to five people in an hour.

Related: How Strategic Networking Can Produce Big Results at Your Next Conference

5. Set goals and say them out loud

I also make it a habit to set goals. I don’t get fancy about it; In the next six months, for example, I write down four big things I hope to accomplish with my team. Then I tell people about them. Being public with goals means you can be held publicly accountable, so don’t be afraid to show yours. It takes honesty and motivation to figure out how to accomplish those things.

It’s also important to revisit your goals, whether they’re daily or big-picture goals on your to-do list that may take months to achieve. Circumstances change, and you may end up having to relocate. And that’s okay — goals are a navigational tool. They keep me on track and give me the ability to realize my purpose, because I’m always asking, “Why am I doing this again?” I will return to the question.


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