3 Tips for Translating Networking into Business Opportunities | International network of lawyers



I know, it’s winter and we’re trying to relax.

But if you find yourself at a networking event in the next few weeks (or plan to be at one this fall), there are a few key ways you can add value to your presence in addition to attending the event. Of course, when you choose the right one, the network alone will return your investment.

But often we are so eager to be present for our equal work that we forget that Any A business development opportunity is not one-and-done. While it’s possible to meet someone in the dating game and get married that same night and find lasting happiness, you spend a lot of time getting to know each other before committing. Your business relationships are the same.

How can you translate those networking moments into business opportunities? There are tons of articles and blog posts on this, but there are ways to do it, but today, I’m going to offer three tips that you can use after your next event to move the needle.

  1. follow up: Listen, I’m sure you’re tired of hearing this advice, but it’s repeated over and over for a reason. First, it’s good advice, and second, because people fail to do it. Whether you meet on LinkedIn at the event, exchange actual business cards (I wonder if that’s still a thing?), follow the event’s hashtag, or find an attendee list, commit to following up with at least three people you meet at the event. . It can be as simple as sending a text around a topic of conversation or making a phone call to continue your chat or introducing someone in your network. Bonus points from food or coffee related deals and big bonus points from referrals to potential customers. There may be another opportunity to follow up, but it should be done in a chosen way – once, after a conference, someone I attended the same event but did not connect with me called through LinkedIn to set up a call. That we have some multifaceted important opportunities to explore and we have developed a good relationship. That can sometimes work, but as long as you really believe there is a mutual interest, reach out to the person you missed at the event and then see if you can get involved over the phone or in person. Make sure you know what the rules of conduct are for your jurisdiction to make sure this is something you can do.
  2. Share with your colleagues.: This can be challenging, I know, because it often feels like you’re giving away free value. But listen to me. When you get back from the event, talk about it with your colleagues, depending on the nature of the event – ​​if you have a practice group or partner meeting, share some information about what you learned, why it was important, and if you could do some of it. Benefit from attending next. If possible, invite your key colleagues to attend some of them in person, and use the opportunities to introduce them to some of the contacts you’ve made. Not only are you strengthening the connections you’ve made with many members of your organization and demonstrating the breadth and depth of knowledge you have to offer, you’re also proving yourself to your colleagues as a valuable team member. That they are encouraged to respond. Bonus points if you engage your marketing professionals early and often to help you identify who might be useful to include and how they can support you in the process.
  3. Review your LinkedIn profile: This requires a little more work, but it’s worth it. Your new connections can be spread everywhere, and you can use LinkedIn to identify other connections who share the same city as you. Why is it useful? It can be helpful to introduce yourself to people in your own city who share your professional interests. It helps you extend the relationship, and you’re already adding value because you’re already providing them with a business relationship. Once you develop your relationships a bit and become comfortable, you can expand this to your client list and introduce them to potential clients in other regions where you are not represented. But you have a relationship. It makes you look active and adds incredible value to those relationships. Again, it’s about encouraging those relationships to do the same for you. If they are all in your own city, it’s still worth looking at – see which connections you have in common – this can help with some caution in communication, as well as which connections you want to introduce to and vice versa. The goal here isn’t quid pro quo, but you can be useful to them in a way that shows the person how to add value to your new relationship.

When you return from your next networking event, don’t just log back into the emails that are waiting for you (although I know how tempting that is). Get some exposure and connections so you can translate your presence into real business opportunities.


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