Vitalik Buterin dressed as a dinosaur and became a fashion god



Vitalik Buterin gives zero Fs about what he thinks he should be wearing. In fact, he is a modern fashion icon. While many of us don’t understand its freshness, many certainly do.

The University of Ethereum (UETH) is a decentralized global education platform. UETH aims to make the Ethereum network more widely accepted.

They recently hosted one of the last Ethereum events before the merger, “Ethereum – a New Era”.

1,400 attendees gathered in San Francisco to gain insight into the conference.

Vitalik Buterin is the co-founder of Ethereum. At the said event, he entered the scene wearing a green dinosaur costume. Thus, he continues his reign as the King of Haute Costameri.

Vitalik Buterin as a dinosaur

Yes, Buterin said things like, “After the merger, Ethereum’s top priority is to increase the expansion of the Ethereum Blockchain. EIP-4844 (also known as Proto-Danksharding) will be the largest EIP after the merger.

But really, do we care? No, it’s because we’re all in awe of his flawless fashion statements. Dinosaur heat is peak heat in 2022. Go ahead, okay.

Shiba Inu Jammies

The dinosaur costume was the latest in a long line of star fashion trends. Earlier, Buterin turned up at ItDenver in Shiba Inu pajamas. Many speculate that SHIB will introduce colorful Jimmy Jammies.

SHIB owners often think that Buterin is Ryoshi, let’s add to the fashion feud the anonymous creator of the Shiba Inu. Buterin is well aware that his SHIB fashion statement adds fuel to the fire.

Shiba Inu jammies aren’t the only outfit he’s sporting at the conference.

Bear clothes

Vitalik also appeared in a bear costume. Whether it’s announcing a bear market or calling it a crypto winter, it’s fodder for crypto gossip.

Buterin has commented to major news outlets on how bear markets will help crypto in the long term.

“Many of the people who are deep into crypto, and especially those who build things, welcome bear markets. They welcome bear markets because these long periods of price spikes like that — obviously it excites a lot of people — but it tends to invite too much short-term speculative focus. It is time for applications to fall and you can see which projects are sustainable both in their models and in their teams and people.

Vitalik Buterin: Highly cultured

Buterin has never been afraid to meet culture with his clothes, and he gets high praise from fans. “I like how Vitalik always looks like he’s choosing what skin to wear in a VR chat instead of choosing clothes at the beginning of his life.”

The Prince of Heat is also not afraid of Mimi’s t-shirt. Many of us need a strong fork from Buterin.

And let’s not forget the bags that accumulate on the road. The inventory always seems to have raided a lost property store at a Catholic girls’ primary school. And we are all inspired. Crypto bros, we know you want one of these, stop resisting. You know these clothes make you look like a Ken doll on pharmaceuticals.

While people fall for Vitalik-inspired fashion, their offerings (below) aren’t as exciting as the real deal.

Buterin is such a fashion icon at the moment, other alphas are starting to heat up. They are getting bashed for their fashion choices. I think the relevant phrase is “hard as a field.”

The only choice is to follow up with the prince of publications. Below, we have some fashion savages and then an alternative offer from the fashion prince.

Below, we see Buterin looking iconic again. It seems if Vitalik is an ETH person.

Vitalik Buterin and Holiday Fashion, Sweetie

Vitalik’s holiday clothes are just right. So much so, the one on the right is being called Richard Beta. Wow, that’s in bullish territory. Beta fashion? Wow. Richard, we all wish for endurance, okay?

And then, to the shoes. It’s comfortable, it’s a shoe that doesn’t have socks and F. Exactly. Buterin is a modern fashion icon.

Some people are driven by fashion. Some people follow. See you in your little cousin’s lost treasure vault. Keep it up my dears!

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