Trends that hold


At the current level of physical fitness, men’s clothing designers in Milan and Paris have given a spectacular view of the future.

Wearing loose socks or compressed linen is not enough to look fashionable. Unless you want to feel the heat, if you are exposed to a pair of zipped leather shorts with a joystick and a jacket cut, are you trying?

Men's clothing shows borders: short shorts on Prada;  Shooting from the pelvis in Mowalola;  Jockstrap and bralettes by Tom Brown.

Men’s clothing shows borders: short shorts on Prada; Shooting from the pelvis in Mowalola; Jockstrap and bralettes by Tom Brown.CreditAPA, Getty

Once held in Stage Setting, designers’ brands embraced gender efficiency and the luxury of women’s luxury brands. Bikini tops, exposed underwear, mini skirts, and plenty of cut-out dresses are now popular places for smiling male models.

In Prada, the former domain of thin clothing and black ties, co-designers Muchia Prada and Raff Simons, a mix of basic elements from a sixty Czech coat, booze ribbon sweaters and a high waist, gray pasture shorts.

In her memoir, Prada said: “This is a very realistic choice — coats, jeans, wool. “They seem simple but the results of the process, the choice – there are hundreds of coats, why is this right?”

When are we going to see a pair of leather shorts and a Jokstap hint in the AFL game on the beach?

Choices abound, Thom Browne brand jockeys come out in custom shorts and short skirts. It is a bold statement but how many Australians are ready to speak out? When are we going to see a pair of leather shorts and a Jokstap hint in the AFL game on the beach?

“The timeline depends on the noise around each product and how long it takes after each season,” said Outnet Style, director of Outnet Style. It may take up to a year for the product to appear for the first time in a week before it enters the main market, which can happen if the demand is still in demand. For designer brands, this process usually takes about six months, but fast fashion brands change very quickly.

Men’s clothing buyer Jeremy Molkanovs is currently in talks with Australian Boutique Inku on accounts in Paris, searching for potential customers on the run.


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