Traveling Teen: Warren Sophomore loves the arts and travel, recently went to Rome | News, sports, jobs


Ava Johnson spent three weeks in Italy this summer and got to visit the Colosseum in Rome.

VINCENT – Ava Johnson is a confident 15-year-old who will be a senior at Warren High School this year.

She is a member of the Warren Warriors swim team, she is a member of student council, science olympiad, honor roll, she participated in theater her freshman year, she participated in various programs including Upward Bound, I believe, she was in the children’s choir, she participated in the Camp Vaudeville program at Smut Theater for two years. , was a band member her fifth and sixth grade years, teaches herself guitar and piano, and recently returned from studying abroad in Italy. CIEE (Council on International Educational Exchange) International Navigator Program.

“I went to Italy for Global Discovery, which studies history through art.” Johnson said. “So it was great to get the historical part, the art part, along with a lot of other things. We did a lot in three weeks.

It was a program Johnson researched, applied for acceptance and a scholarship, and participated on her own volition.

It was a process that took about a year to complete. Her first goal was to visit Japan after studying Japan for several years, but travel to that country was still banned this summer due to Covid-19.

“Everything is closed for a while because of the epidemic. And finally last summer I waited a very long time until that Japanese application opened, and I applied for the scholarship and everything. Johnson said. “I got a scholarship, but I didn’t go to Japan. But I think it worked out in the end, I really like Rome.

Johnson visited museums, art galleries, sightseeing, took cooking and art classes, visited local bookstores, visited an amusement park, and spent some time at the Villa d’Este, visiting the cities of Florence and Tivoli. .

“Rome is a busy city, so I was really impressed with that in the first week. All the cars going by and the rustling, then we went to the town outside of Rome (Tivoli) and it was quiet. I didn’t see a car.” Johnson said. “It was great to get that break. And the pasta was really good. “ She saw the Statue of David in Florence, the fountains in Tivoli, the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican, and the Colosseum in Rome. She mentioned how the tour guide was a history professor and would point out things you wouldn’t normally notice.

“She pointed out that there’s this area in the Colosseum and at first glance you’re like, ‘Those are bricks, those are old bricks,’ and then as you pay more attention, the right side looks lower and the left more. Gon looked like new bricks, and she kept talking about how to build the Colosseum, because sometimes things fall apart and the Romans rebuild it.” Johnson said.

“It was great for her to mention that in real life and be ‘pay attention to it,’ and it’s everywhere in Rome. Only modern things next to ancient things.

Johnson found out when she was in theater and drama class and was doing the voice for schools productions. “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.” Whether you want to pursue a career in film or science.

“I’m very interested in movies.” Johnson said. “I like science and want to explore things, so I want to go into a career that involves a lot of research. And one of the things I’m thinking about is finding cures for diseases. I’m going to be a job shadower for that soon.”

In her spare time, Johnson enjoys reading, painting, drawing and is really into anime and manga.

“I used to read a lot of manga and watch anime. I like to read a lot.” Johnson said. I like to look at art styles because I do a lot of drawing, painting and drawing, and it’s really fun to see, especially manga and anime, how different animation and drawing work. I think it’s a really cool process. And then with the whole character development plot. I love looking at those things and being like, ‘Oh, this is fun’ and different tropes.

“I don’t want to do a job outside of my art, I’m happy with this as a canvas, and then if someone wants it, just give me $5.”

Douglass Huxley can be reached at

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