The power of living without power



Technology, especially information technology (IT), has done more to advance business capabilities than any other form of development in recent memory. Or has it?

When you hear the word “technology,” what usually comes to mind is a cell phone or computer or other electronic device. We think of technological advancements as faster computing power, fewer wires, electronic vehicles, or in our day-to-day applications that buy us a few minutes. We don’t think about how futile all these inventions are, the awkward marriage between them and 18th century “technology”.

In the late 18th century, harnessing electricity and making it work for humans was all the rage. Now our life comes to a standstill with any power outage. We charge it with silicon and the energy we store in lithium ion stops or decreases when the light goes off. Our version of the technology is based on a broad technology – the electric grid.

That might sound like a real “duh” moment, but most of us don’t think about power unless it’s gone. It has become expected. Our system’s marriage to power is unequal, and it has reached the point where a business cannot function without either partner.

Mark Hodges

Recently I was having lunch in a restaurant when the lights went out. After the applause (as expected with any power outage or dropped dish), the wait staff started scrambling – they didn’t know what to do. Transactions could not be processed or even initiated. Unable to cook. Years of unworked math had to be dug up to figure out how to add sales tax to the item so people could cash out – and I mean cash out because not all of us can use credit cards. So, the trick down memory lane is that it took a while to find carbonless credit card sheets. 20-year-old technology could not work because 100-year-old technology was not available.

Every business (and every consumer) needs to remember the interdependence of technology. Things go well when all resources are available. When two of the three components are present, you may have none. Having power with the computer but no internet connection can cause frustration. A computer with no power means limited battery life and no internet (because now you have no modem, wireless, etc.). Since few systems are truly self-sustainable (the latest thing is cell phone payments), any time is a good time for business leaders to review their “disaster” plans.

Someone in your workplace needs to plan for a power outage – or a connection loss – or a system problem. While most refer to all of these as “elements of disaster planning,” they all have a theme of preparedness. Your other option is to turn the signal to “closed” and lock the door hoping it will work tomorrow. But most businesses don’t build their revenue budgets that way. The bottom line is simple: if you rely on technology in any way, you need a plan to operate in the absence of an important component. Do you have that plan? If not, schedule the meeting for the following Monday. here you go.

The goal isn’t to implement that plan, but to provide a way forward when an outside force doesn’t allow the technology to work – even if it’s not the technology’s fault.

Mark Hodges is the Chief Development Officer of an Arkansas IT services firm. Edafio technology partners. The opinions expressed are those of the author.


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