Standigm Names Carl Foster Chief Business Officer to Expand Strategic Partnership for AI Drug Discovery


The veteran biotech and pharmaceutical executive will help the company leverage its growth and global impact.

SEOUL, South Korea, August 18, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Stadigm Inc. (“Standigm”), a leading workflow artificial intelligence (AI) drug discovery company, today announced the appointment of a Chief Business Officer. Carl Foster. Based in our US office, Foster is responsible for expanding strategic partnerships for new drug target discoveries and first-in-class lead candidate labels.

“Karl has built a reputation for increasing company value. He has extensive experience in building biotech companies like Standigm and growing them through innovative deals,” he said. Jinhan Kim, CEO of Stadigm. “We are confident that Carl will be able to help us achieve our aggressive goals.”

Foster has spent more than 30 years working for pharmaceutical and platform technology companies in a variety of fields, including genomics, proteomics and antibodies. Throughout his career, he has built a strong track record of business planning, strategic communications and financial modeling.

Foster spent nine years in business development, marketing and sales at Merck and Co., Inc. He began his work. Most recently, he was Executive Vice President, Business Development for Cempra Pharmaceuticals. Prior to that, he was CEO of JuriLab, a European genomics company. Foster has held vice president-level positions at Nanogen, King Pharmaceuticals, Oxford Glycosciences and Price Pharmaceuticals. He was also the general manager of Intracel BV, A NetherlandsEstablished Immunology Company and Managing Director of Ferghana Partners, A new york– Established investment banking group. Foster holds an MBA in Marketing and an MS in Biochemistry from University of Kansas.

“Our goal is to shorten the drug discovery process, reduce costs and increase the likelihood of success by combining the Standigm AI platform with disease-specific data from our strategic partners,” said Foster. “I believe that combining AI with drug discovery will lead to major breakthroughs in the way we understand diseases and develop solutions. Standigm’s first-in-class AI platform is supported by a strong team of biologists, chemists and AI engineers, who have been a great opportunity for me overall. I look forward to helping them build a novel and industry-leading company.”

To date, Stadigm has:

  • Raised approx. 71.2 million dollars With funding from several investors, including Pavilion Capital, their successes in AI drug discovery include Schrödinger and Insilico Medicine.
  • In 2021, it expanded its operations globally, opening offices in the US and the UK.
  • It has established an artificial intelligence research center to improve the effectiveness of AI drug discovery.
  • It has proven its technological competitiveness with several partnerships with pharmaceutical companies and research institutes AsiaAmerica and EuropeSuch as SK Chemicals, Honey Pharmaceuticals and Milner Therapeutics Institute.
  • He established secret relationships with a major European pharmaceutical company, an American biotech company, and an American research institute.
  • It has generated strong preclinical potential for several disease areas, including Parkinson’s disease, autism, mitochondrial diseases, and dementia.
  • Collaborating with global companies such as Merck KGaA, Oracle and Deepmatter to develop additional AI drug discovery capabilities.

Standigm’s AI platform is used for drug discovery and repurposing. The latter speeds up time to market and lowers costs because the drugs are already commercially available or have shown some degree of stability in clinical trials.

About Stadigm

Standigm is an AI-driven drug discovery company’s workflow. Seoul, South Korea and subsidy in Cambridge, UK And Cambridge, MA. Standig also has proprietary AI platforms that incorporate novel target identification with compound design to generate commercially viable drug pipelines. In the year Founded in 2015, Standigm has established a first-stage drug discovery workflow AI to generate multiple first-stage compounds in an average of seven months. Pursuing full-stack, AI-driven industrialized drug discovery, Standigm has been able to automate the molecular design workflow, and the automation effort has expanded into the entire drug discovery process based on Standigm’s AI platforms. Standigm BEST™ for novel compound generation and Standigm Insight™ for novel screening. Learn more at

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Katie Morales, [email protected]

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