Solving travel stomach problems



Couple suffering from stomach ache, standing in airport terminal, free spaceDon’t you hate it when you’re on vacation and uninvited guests decide to join you?

I’m not talking about your brother who annoys you. It means indigestion.

It is not uncommon for people to experience indigestion while traveling. The triad of diarrhoea, constipation and indigestion may appear and cause problems on your journey.

Traveling can disrupt your body’s natural rhythms. Time changes and changing eating and sleeping schedules can all take your digestive system for a ride.

And it has the potential to ruin a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Here are some things to help you get back on track and calm your gut.

Diarrhea can be very common, especially when traveling internationally. You can work to prevent it by staying well hydrated and choosing what you eat and drink. Bottled water is an important decision, eliminating stale food sitting on the buffet.

Remember to wash your hands regularly and always wash or peel the fruit.

If diarrhea strikes, remember to increase fluid intake and look to OTC medications to help. If it persists, consult a doctor.

Constipation occurs after your schedule is over. It could be the reality of travel due to a long journey, a time change or simply staying up later than usual.

You can limit the effects by eating more fiber and drinking more fluids before your trip. Also, try to make an effort to eat fiber-rich foods while traveling and keep your water intake steady. If you are constipated, try laxatives.

Indigestion, like bloating, can also be a regular occurrence during travel. You can manage the problem by watching your alcohol intake, avoiding foods that cause your reaction, not eating large meals, and slowing down when you eat.

Many people like to overeat while on the go, but keep in mind that it can have some consequences!


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