– Creative aggregator of online courses

Startup Stories


How did the idea come?

The idea of ​​creating the project came after a long and hard search for courses for myself.

There are many parameters to consider when choosing an online course. The main ones are: the format of the course, the instructor, the platform, the duration, the program and the assessments. Because the search took so long, it was necessary to review and compare websites of many different platforms. At this point, I realized that this is not just my problem, and together with partners we decided to create a platform where users can easily find a suitable course.


Whereas in the 29th century careers disappeared slowly and in the tens of hundreds, now careers are rapidly disappearing and in the hundreds. This means hundreds of thousands of people will be forced to retrain or lose their jobs. Also, new technologies are constantly emerging that require training to improve their skills and enhance their careers. Thank you now Skillcombo You don’t waste your time searching for courses, you can spend your time acquiring the required skills.

Main features of our platform:

  1. We give users the ability to filter courses by 10+ criteria. For example, you can find free courses with certification from any provider and it only takes a few clicks.
  2. We have a catalog of over 10000+ courses on +500 different topics. Even if your topic is not very popular, you can find a suitable option for yourself.
  3. We partner with the most reputable course providers. In our catalog you can find not only courses from internationally renowned platforms like Coursera, but also from Indians like Upgrad or Code Ninjas.
  4. Our Career Map section. Detailed career overviews including requirements, skills, responsibilities, salaries, etc. can be found here.

Future plans

Weekly chart

We plan to allow our users to comment on the courses they have taken. This greatly improves the user experience and increases confidence in the courses.

We want to create functionality to add courses from independent creators. There are currently no sites where course creators can post their courses for free and find an interested audience. Our goal is to expose new educational courses and provide our users with valuable and up-to-date skills.




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