Rick and Morty reveal the real reason why Rick hates time travel



It’s a known fact in the Rick and Morty fandom that Rick hates time travel, and now it’s revealed exactly where that hatred comes from.

It’s not a secret for fans Rick and Morty Rick absolutely despises time travel. However, there’s no clear reason why Rick hates time travel – that is, until now, other than saying that Rick simply doesn’t like it.

Rick and Morty has dabbled in paradoxical time travel shenanigans for a while in the course of the adult mainstream animated series. The first time wasn’t really time travel, but it was still time manipulation. That incident happened in Rick and Morty Season 2, Episode 1 Rick stops the flow of time to clean up after a party they throw for himself, Morty, and their summer house. This leads to the creation of multiple timelines and the intervention of a fourth entity that exists outside of what humans perceive as time – familiar to fans of the first entity that actually has the ability to travel through time. The second run featured Rick and Morty in time travel. Rick and Morty Season 4, Episode 5 “Rattlestar Ricklactica”. In that episode, Morty introduces the idea that they’re not alone in the universe by accidentally seeing a planet full of snakes. This leads to the Serpents coming together as one and creating Time Travel, a show long meta-narrative on the time travel sub-genre that only further hammers home how much Rick hates time travel.

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in Rick and Morty #1 by Zach Gorman, CJ Cannon, and Mark Ellerbee Rick Morty takes it to the intergalactic stock exchange to show him how to make money fast without working. When they get there, however, Rick is immediately approached by a man named Time Detective Professor Took. Professor Took works for the Time Police, and tells Rick that he knows all about the regular criminal activity that Rick has been up to, and has been following him closely ever since. After that initial interaction, Rick is bound to break the law and Professor Tock is all too eager to slap on the cuffs.

Rick hates time travel because it’s ‘dirty science’.

This issue introduces readers to the Time Police, an organization that works to catch criminals wherever they are in the time stream. Basically, these guys are incredibly hard to get away with, even for someone on Rick’s level–which is proven true by the fact that Rick is captured by the Time Police at the end of this issue. The only reason Rick is caught by the Time Police is because he unwittingly puts himself on the radar by running into Professor Tock at the stock exchange. While that was unfortunate given the outcome for Rick, it was completely random. Imagine how much attention Rick would have attracted Professor Tock and the Time Police if he had been slipping through the time stream committing his usual crimes.

Basically, the Time Police successfully commandeer Rick in this issue, proving that they’re more than enough (or at least, more trouble than they’re worth) that even a fully formed government on its own can’t do. do. As the Time Police watch the time stream and all the crimes that flow through it, the unauthorized time travel itself definitely alerts them, resulting in Rick’s immediate arrest. So, while Rick has reason to think time travel is dumb, the real reason he hates it so much seems to be something he’s generally not allowed to do. Rick and Morty For fear of being confronted by a police force that the Multiverse doesn’t want to face the police.


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