Passports: What you need to know about prices, waiting times and international entry


If you haven’t renewed your passport before your international summer trip, be prepared to pay a lot to get it fixed.

In recent months, the waiting time for passports has increased across the board. Standard processing time is 10 to 13 weeks, according to the State Department. Expedited processing time is seven to nine weeks. Neither estimate includes mail times, which officials said could last two weeks each way.

These times are five to seven weeks for expedited passport renewals and eight to 11 weeks for standard renewals a few months in advance.

Under current processing times and international laws, travelers must renew passports nine months to one year before their expiration date. Many destinations will not accept travelers if their passport expires within six months.

Nearly one-third of U.S. travelers expect to travel internationally this year, according to market research firm Destination Analysts. Even for those behind the program, tackling renewal right away can make a huge difference in startup time.

Why are passport processing times so long?

The State Department says it receives an average of 500,000 applications a week. At a congressional hearing in March, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said this was a 30 to 40 percent increase over the previous year.

At the time of the epidemic, the demand decreased; The department has laid off contractors and reassigned other staff, Mr Blinken said at the hearing. He said the government is in the process of hiring more workers, granting overtime permits and opening satellite offices.

What does it cost to get a passport?

If you are 16 or older and applying for the first time, you will pay $130 for the passport application and $35 for the acceptance fee. If you renew your passport, you do not need to pay an acceptance fee.

Expedited applications cost an additional $60. Once the passport is processed, travelers can pay an additional $19.53 for expedited delivery.

How can I speed up the process?

Submitting your passport for expedited verification is a good first step. If you did not and applied in person or by mail, you may call the National Passport Information Center at 1-877-487-2778 to expedite the application.

You can try to get your passport processed with an urgent travel designation. This applies to people traveling internationally within nine weeks. It does not apply to emergency travel involving death or death, which has a separate process.

If you haven’t applied for your passport, you can call to make an appointment within 14 calendar days of your international travel date. If you’ve already applied for a passport and hope to make an appointment, your appointment must be made within five calendar days of your international travel date, the State Department says. Appointments are limited and not guaranteed.

You can also try contacting your congressional representative for help with your passport. The office can make inquiries about the situation, which can help speed up the process.

The State Department says it is receiving 30 to 40 percent more passport applications than last year.


F. Martin Ramin / The Wall Street Journal

Do I need to use a passport delivery service?

The State Department urges caution when using the postal service and says it cannot be held responsible for issues related to shipping companies, including lost documents. Since passports can only be renewed through the State Department, it is a scam that any service can renew passports online without State Department involvement.

AAA works with RushMyPassport, the passport delivery service of the State Department’s National Hand Delivery Program for passport applications and completed passports. That means the service can submit passport applications to authorized passport offices on behalf of customers.

About 1,200 AAA members applied through RushMyPassport in April, up from 260 in February, an AAA spokesperson said.

The service offers one-week and two-week expedited processing options. The two-week process costs $599 before government fees; A one-week process costs $799 before government fees. Discounts available to AAA members.

How long are international admission applications taking?

Travelers approved for international entry can skip long lines at passport control. The program is open to citizens of many other countries and US citizens. The Global Entry Program has more than 11.7 million members, according to a spokesperson for U.S. Customs and Border Protection. CBP expects to register an additional two million people before the end of this fiscal year on September 30.

Processing times vary widely. Travelers pay $100 and submit applications online. The average registration time for international entry applicants was 93 days in 2022, a CBP spokeswoman said.

Successful applications will eventually receive conditional approval, and travelers can schedule an interview at the International Admissions Center. The government mentions the operational period of four to six months on its website. Global Entry members get TSA PreCheck.

Can I get an international admission appointment faster?

If you are conditionally accepted, you can schedule a check-in appointment. After landing at the international terminal, you can complete an interview with a Customs and Border Protection officer. If you will not be returning soon from international travel, the agency will release interview appointment slots for enrollment centers on the first Monday of each month at 9 a.m. local time.

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Some social media accounts, such as Global Admissions Appointment Alerts, automatically tweet appointment slots. The site is not affiliated with the US government.

Vlad Verba, a 26-year-old product manager, created the alerts for appointments last year and made the service available to everyone. It costs $30 for 30 days of personalized text alerts, which notify travelers of open appointments at three locations of their choice.

Can I leave the airport without international check-in?

If you are not flying directly to your domestic destination and do not have an international gateway, build in waiting time. You can view recent and historical passport control wait times for your terminal on the Customs and Border Protection Airport Wait Times site.

Travelers arriving at certain airports can use mobile passport control. The app allows you to enter your passport and customs declaration information digitally. You still have to be processed by a CBP officer, but you can use a different processing line than the regular line.

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— This descriptive article may be updated periodically.

Write to Allison Pohle at

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