New York governor signs new law banning firearms in public places

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The New York State Legislature has approved a new gun law that will require gun license applicants to submit details of their social media accounts to authorities. Officials can use the information to verify the behavior of each applicant.

Other provisions of the law include restrictions on the possession of firearms concealed in certain areas of New York.

The United States Supreme Court has previously rejected laws banning the carrying of pistols outside their homes. The new law is expected to bring new rules into place.

While the law is expected to remove stricter barriers to obtaining a gun license, conservatives believe that setting new standards violates their right.

Requirements for a gun license

Applicants must prove to the authorities that they have the “necessary character, behavior, and judgment necessary to entrust the weapon and use it only in a way that does not endanger itself or others.”

The next review is about good behavior. Applicants must submit a list of social media accounts they will use within three years from the date of application. This is then used by the authorities to verify information about the applicant’s behavior and behavior.

Other tasks include providing character references and mandatory 16-hour weapon safety training to officials. Two-hour practice is also important in the shooting range.

All applicants and authorized persons will be regularly screened and their contact details will be provided to the authorities.

Republican party leaders and gun rights activists are calling the move a violation of their constitutional rights.

Members of the gun associations and gun rights groups said the law would not survive a single day. He further added that unions and individuals will take all necessary legal action to challenge the law in court.

What makes you unfit for a gun license?

The law states that no one who has been charged with drunkenness, assault, or third-degree assault in the past five years has been granted a firearm license.

They are not allowed to carry guns in secret places.

What are all the secret places?
  • Time square
  • Schools,
  • Universities,
  • Government buildings,
  • Places where people gather to protest,
  • Health care facilities,
  • Places of worship,
  • Library,
  • Public playgrounds and parks,
  • Kindergartens,
  • Summer camps,
  • Addiction and Mental Health Centers,
  • Shelters,
  • Public transportation,
  • Bars,
  • Theaters,
  • Stadiums,
  • Museums,
  • Polling Stations and Casinos.

The law is expected to take effect on September 1, 2022




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