Get your kids tech ready for school with these 7 tips



Chances are your child is getting ready to go back to school while tagging one or more devices.

Most students now have a laptop, tablet, or smartphone, so it’s best to prepare them and their technology for any hack.

Below are some tips to help you get technology ready for school.

1. Talk to your kids about cyber safety

According to the Federal Trade Commission, identity thieves are looking for high-tech ways to access our money and personal information, such as cracking our passwords. So it’s important to talk to your kids about cyber safety from an early age.

Teach students to keep their personal information confidential; Avoid sharing their names, addresses, phone numbers, birthdays, passwords, and school names when using the Internet.

Think twice before posting or saying anything online; Once it’s in cyberspace, it’s there forever.

2. Use unique passwords for everything and enable two-factor authentication

Passwords should be as long as possible and unique for each device. Create strong passwords of eight characters or more that use a combination of letters, numbers and symbols

Two-factor authentication provides an additional layer of security by requiring anyone logging into a device to provide another credential, such as a one-time code sent via SMS or email.

Most attackers with access to a stolen password will not have second-level authentication.

3. Privacy settings

Use and verify privacy settings on email and social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter.

4. Do not open emails or messages from strangers

Think before you click – don’t open emails from strangers and don’t click on links to sites you don’t know.

If the offer sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Hackers use tactics designed to trick you into giving up personal information or clicking links to automatically install malware or spyware.

5. Monitor your cell phone and tablet

Do not leave your mobile devices such as mobile phones or tablets unattended. Always lock your device when not in use.

6. Know your apps

When downloading new apps, make sure they’re from a trusted source and review the settings.

7. Only connect to the Internet if necessary

Disconnect your device from the Internet when not in use and make sure your device is not set to automatically connect to Wi-Fi.

Public Wi-Fi is not in a secure network and is open to hackers. SafeWise recommends using your cellular plan instead of the public network.


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