Fungal fashion: Self-healing can change the durability of vegan skin.



Imagine: a leather jacket that can repair itself when torn, without needing to be replaced. This may soon become a reality thanks to new research that has created self-healing skin made from mycelium, the thread-like structures found in mushrooms.

Mycelium skin is a product that has already appeared in the market, but the current production methods stop the growth of the fungus. A study published in Advanced Functional Materials shows that by adjusting production conditions, mycelium can maintain its ability to regenerate when damaged, providing a sustainable, self-healing alternative to traditional leather.

Bioengineer Elise Elsaker and her colleagues grew the mycelium in a nutrient-rich solution that formed a skin on the skin. This leather is then cleaned and dried to form a thin, unbreakable leather-like material. The researchers used mild heat and chemicals to create the skin by activating parts of the fungus. Chlamydospores, small glands on the mycelium, remain dormant and can regrow more mycelium under the right conditions.

The team tested the skin’s ability to heal itself by drilling a hole and filling the area with a growth-enriched broth. The mycelium rose again on the holes, and the healed areas were as strong as the uninjured areas, although the repair was visible on one side of the skin.

This self-healing vegan skin is still in the proof-of-concept stage, but could be commercialized within the next decade, said study author Martin Dade-Robertson. However, the researchers need to make the skin stronger and control the growth of chlamydospores to avoid unexpected fungal growth on a rainy day.

Imagine the possibility of a self-healing sustainable leather alternative that would reduce waste in the fashion industry. This innovative work is a call to action for all of us to support and invest in sustainable alternatives to traditional materials. Stay informed about such basic research, spread the word about eco-friendly products, and let’s contribute to a greener, more sustainable future together.

Like our food, many people easily forget where their clothes come from. Animals are too often exploited and abused in the fashion industry. When fashion literally kills, it’s time to start educating ourselves and the public about how animals are exploited in the fashion industry and what we can do about it.

There are many good options for all these materials, which no one wants to lose their life. check out Apple skin, Pineapple skin, Mushroom skin, Wool optionsAnd Sweaty skin.

Many companies have stopped selling or committed to stop using animal skins and fur in their products. Caring Group launched. Invest in sweat-free skinfashion Thanks to PETA’s letter, Operandi banned hair and special skinsAnd Armani announced that they will ban Angora wool. Look at these 10 brands that dropped fur, wool and exotic leather last year.

Sign this petition Asking major fashion brands like Prada, Versace, Armani, Michael Kors, Zara, H&M, Coach, Chanel and more to replace animal skin with plant-based alternatives!

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