Dead by Daylight dev breaks down the skull merchant and technology as a “tool of fear.”


Published: 2023-03-06T11:34:28

It has been updated: 2023-03-06T11:52:13

With a new chapter on the way to Dead by Daylight, Dexerto spoke with creative director Dave Richards to find out more about the instruments of torture, The Skull Merchant, and where this future takes the asymmetrical horror scene.

On March 7, 2023, Instruments of Torment, the 27th chapter in the DBD, brings a new killer, two survivors, and more to the mist. One of the most controversial parts of the DLC is the Skull Merchant’s focus on technology – something we haven’t seen explored in the Enterprise realm until now.

Having previously spoken to Dexerto about Sadako Rising exactly one year ago, creative director Dave Richards now offers more insight into the skull merchant’s backstory and how “horror can be found anywhere.” There’s plenty of food for thought here for fans, including what might be on the horizon in the DBD once the Tools of Torment fall.

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“It’s up to us to define and push the boundaries of the genre.”

A skull merchant drone who died in daylightFeature interactive

The Skull Merchant uses her powers in DBD to destroy drones.

Why did he feel like now was the right time to introduce himself to DBD as a skull merchant and technologist? We have never seen anything like drones before.

“Technology as a tool of fear is something we’ve been thinking about for a long time. We like the idea that drones are something that is out of place and invisible, which, when placed in the wrong hands, serve a dark and sinister purpose. It just felt like a perfect match for the head-dealer-high-intellectual, high-hunting tinkerer.

What does the introduction of Skull Merchant and its focus on technology mean for the future of Dead by Daylight? Does it suggest more technological influences like killer robots or cyborgs?

“While I can’t comment on what comes to Death by Daylight, I can tell you that our goal has always been to spread stories. Horror can be found anywhere – it’s up to us to define and push the boundaries of the genre.

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From The Knight to the Skull Merchant and Wesker, there are many killers that have entered. Will we see more monster-type killers like Dredge in the near future?

“We like to diversify our offerings, and again, expand what’s called horror. While I can’t comment on what’s to come – I urge players to keep their eyes on the game!”

Current perks, like Prove Yourself, feel like a perk of teamwork – will we see this dynamic expand beyond what we have with Renato and Talitha?

“Yes, of course – every time we introduce a new game, we do it with the intention of using it again in the future. I think the benefits of teamwork work well with many other benefits, and so we explore how we can use this in the future.”

“Adriana is a complicated person.”

Talitha and Renato Lira with the skull merchant on the DBD hunting camp mapFeature interactive

Regarding the backstory of The Skull Merchant, what was the decision behind the decision that focused so much on her parents’ lives and the impact it had on herself?

“At Dad by Daylight, building rich characters is important to us. Just like in ‘real life’, our past informs who we are today. Adriana is a complicated person and her past definitely played a role in that. Her father was a huge influence on her life and we love this meta story that can explain how she got to where she is now.

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One of the manga Adriana’s father wrote is similar to the type she’s a killer in and mentions a ‘realm of fantasy’, basically, a mist. What was the thought of her taking on this personality and almost her father.Influence her future?

“In the world of Daylight Dead, some people, whether in-game characters or family members, mentioned in a character’s story, have connections to other realms. Indeed, Adriana’s father has a special relationship with the entity state. This girl has a vision for Skull Merchant and the manga will be an outlet for this vision to come to life.

“And in a self-fulfilling prophecy, Adriana reads the manga and this high hunter, in turn, is consumed by becoming a skull dealer.

“We thought it would be really interesting to think about what makes a person who they are.And can the future inform the past?

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Image of the new DBD killer, map, and survivors in Chapter 27, adding torture devicesFeature interactive

Tools of Torment introduces plenty of new content for Daylight fans to sink their teeth into.

The Skull Merchant appears to be a physical embodiment of a killer boardroom move. Is there a larger point at the core of her character about corporate greed and corporate inversion?

“I really don’t want to make a general statement. But in the case of The Skull Merchant, I think she isA very competitive person, and because of her character, she made it to the top.Business world. In fact, I don’t think she’s changed in the business world – sheBecause of who she is, she was able to thrive in it.”

While Adriana’s powers focus on drones – as the character in Sonhadores Sombrios does – the details of how she learned to build this type of technology are not revealed in her story. Is this something that will be explored in future tomes?

While I can’t say what will or won’t happen, I can tell you that Adriana is very talented – she’s smart and creative and she’s a tech savvy person. She is a tinkerer interested in the mechanical side of technology. Therefore, it is not difficult to imagine that she is self-taught and very difficult to try.

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In the legend of Talitha and Renato, when he hides in a factory from a scalper, he mentions that the forest has turned into a sunny beach – to tie the two titles together with Hooked On You?

“No, of course it’s just a coincidence.”

Dead by Daylight: Instruments of Torment is out on March 7, 2023.


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