Community gathers for Walk for Mental Health


MERIDIAN, Miss. (WTOK) – Despite the rain on Sunday, some people gathered at Bonita Lakes to bring awareness to mental health.

Zachary Ball organized the Walk for Mental Health in remembrance of his dad, who committed suicide and to help others struggling mentally.

Attendees, Opal Miller and Christopher Seals, explains why it was important for them to support the mental health walk.

“So many people are going through something at this time. My nephew, when he brought this to my attention and the family’s attention, we wanted to support him because there’s so much going on. We all are going through something and if there is anything positive that we can do to bring awareness for mental illness and suicide. That’s what we want to do. No mater rain, shine, sleet or snow we are here to support,” said Miller.

“I just wanted to take out time today to help support Zachary Ball with the walk-a-thon for mental health. It’s something really serious when we lose people everyday due to mental illness. I think it is good to reach out, come together as people, be stronger for everyone else, and try not to lose anyone to mental illness,” said Seals.

The event orgainzer urges people not to suffer in silence and seek help.

“It’s okay not to be okay. Just pray more, worry less, talk to someone you truly love. Like I said a couple days ago, go seek help, talk to a therapist because it really helps,” said Ball.

Ball plans to host the event again next year to continue honoring his father’s memory.


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